so with all the talk about xbxo360 being able to pump out graphic such as kilzone 2 , uncharted2 , even mgs4.
and it ends up the best 3 games alan wake, splinter cell conviction, and halo reach .
Doesn't really have the graphic level that the ps3 has been producing lately.
of course alan wake does look good, but when it takes them 5 years in the making. the result isn't even as good as what it has been showing by the bullshot.
and as for splinter cell and halo reach, i dont' think anyone will say it can be anykind of graphic beast after the beta of reach and full game of SC..
so even when a game that is developed for 5 years + specificly for the xbox360, and it ends up something not live up to the hype from graphic to animation, etc.
so is there any other secret weapon left by MS to really show us what the xbxo is capible of in the future??
or will ms even brother to show us gamer what it is capable of in the first place
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