[QUOTE="vaderhater"]Crysis2 is going to hurt alot for guys like you. It is going to be the best time here! And you guys keep bringing it on yourselves!:lol:
We've already seen the new CryEngine running on PS3. Are there any vids of it running on 360, or are you just assuming it will be better for some reason?
You know what guys? How come when a multiplat across the 360,PS3 and the PC comes along it is obvious that the PC version will look the best? Well its because of the power the PC has.So please oh please explain why in most multiplat situations the 360 bests the PS3 time and time again huh? Where is this power? Why doesnt it show itself on these multiplats yet there is so many different combinations of PC hardware that can best the consoles?
Actually alot of the same guys post again and again how the 360 cant do this and that but have no clue or way of explaining how they came to such conclusions. Its really laughable.
Dragon Age Origins says Hi.
..as does Crytek
"The PS3 was the lowest common denominator, but now it runs as the top level"
Cevat Yerli... Quote.. unquote.
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