Ok then why are people making broad claims about how the 360 is not capable of doing anything like KZ2 and yet on the other hand we have alot of multiplats where the 360 does better? Then if it is a game where the PC factors in as well then the PC always has the best graphics. Well then someone says "oh the devs were just lazy" and so on yet somehow with the PC and all its different configurations they the devs have to take into account the game still can look its best.Then there are the plain clueless whom oh for example GTA4 say "oh look at haw much smoother the framerate is for the PS3 and bla bla bla"
OH really guys??? I mean could that be contributed to the fact that the 360 is running a higher rez version of the game with AA? Also why does that stuff never factor in with the power discussions around here?
Well, I can't answerr for everyone. A lot of people look for ownage in the most minute ways. All three sides more radical fans do that. But, pertaining to your question, I think it has mroe to do with showing what the system can do. Perfect example is the texturing work done in Kameo. It took a good long while for a PS3 game to catch up with the technicality at work there. Since the game wasn't a AAAE or a particularly big hype train, it gets largely overlooked.
The power in the 360 is very accessible to developers. The 360, I would honestly say, is a more steady console when it comes to quality whereas on the PS3, the developers that really chomp into it are the ones getting good results on it. There's a huge disparity between the quality of... oh.. Haze when compared to a game like FolkLore (lol). Both those games are exlcusive to the PS3, so there's no reason to march to war over sucha comparison, it just is what it is.
In the same token, when it comes to the PS3, this generation cannoned off with such propoganda as "The PS3 only has 256MB of VRAM, so the 360 will always look better." and "Xenon has three homogenous cores with a lot more cache." and "Unified shaders will blow the daylights out of anything RSX can do." These systems haven't changed, just the software that runs them. So, when we compare games like Gears of War2 to Uncharted 2, it's because they really show what the systems can do and it's a match up of quality vs quality. The PS3 is continually doing things that it simply wasn't supposed to do back in '06 when everyopne just took J. Allard for his word. In the meantime, Alan Wake has yet to show up on shelves over a year after KillZone 2 has been said and done.
Some people do wonder when these supposedly equal system made from radically different technologies are going to show they are equal. It's not a dishonest question, just one that deserves some kind of explanation. I hope my answer is sufficient.
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