I am a PC gamer so if the question is just for consoles take my opinion with a grain of salt.
I don't think we get less games or of a lower quality than last gen. If you are an RPG player this is a golden age. I have so many games that I want to play not enough time to, that I haven't even touched Dark Souls 3 for example. It's true, PC has more releases that consoles but still, lots of great games have found their way to console as well. Maybe people aren't looking hard enough. For example, have all the RPG fans here played Divinity: Original Sin?
As for remasters, I get that there is some frustration for the people who have played them already. However for those who haven't they are a nice opportunity to enjoy some of the best games of the past generation in even better graphics. Those PS4 owners for example who didn't own a PS3 last gen, why wouldn't they want to play The Last of Us or The Uncharted Trilogy? On PC I play games 5, 10, 20 years old. I wouldn't mind playing older games on my console that I didn't have the chance to in the past.
As a PC owner I buy consoles for their exclusives. I have a PS2, PS3, PSP, DS, 3DS, PS Vita. It's true that neither PS4 or Xbox One have yet made a compelling case for me to get one but that's mostly cause I have too many games I want to play on the PC. If I only had a console, I don't think either the quantity or quality of games would have been such an issue for me.
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