Lets see, only read the first page of repls, byt I think some of these may be additions.
Scanners/sensors in games, instead of having the entire screen change, you can just scan with the small screen (like in the Metroid games, would be cool to scan small things like that).
Passive Scanners, altho it allready have been mentioned for AvP
It could help make some RTS games work on consoles, have and create unit groups, that can be picked fast to be on the screen, so you would not need to waste time managing them on the main game screen.
Keep taps on partymembers and such in RPGs, (equipment health, and such, and induvidually swap things fast an efficiently, instead of spending a ton of time in the menus. And upgrades.
GPS, and or minimap in games with lots of traveling and driving.
Sifting through clues in games with riddles and puzzles.
In games with converstions like in th MGS games, the information can come in through that, instead of the main game screen.
working as spydrone view in games that has some akin to that.
Then there are the obvious: MP score list, Inventory management, and normal logs, rear window mirror, rifle scope.
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