Konami themselves may not have anything to lose, but as a big Metal Gear Solid fan, this situation indeed worries me. Now, in the past I have been labelled a "Sony fanboy" because of my views regarding the matter. I am certainly not one of those idiot cows who talks out their ass.
Now, let's get started. As a long time fan of the series, from the NES days to the present, I have played every game with "Metal Gear" in the title. As a result, Metal Gear Solid 4 is probably my most anticipated game of the generation, and so i'll be buying a PlayStation 3 just to play it.
Kojima is saying he's using everything the machine has to offer: the Cell, SIXAXIS, HD audio, but most importantly of all, Blu-ray disk. For games, Blu-ray disk currently boasts 25GB of available space -- Kojima has gone on record to say even that will not be enough. Therefore, Metal Gear Solid 4 will probably be the first game to utilise the bigger 50GB disks.
The reason for this is apparently lossless audio files which are quite sizable and difficult to compress compared to regular audio files, or so i'm told. This presents a compression problem: the 25GB+ game will be difficult to downsize onto one, or even two... hell, even three DVD9s without sacrificing quality -- and that's what worries me so much. I really want the game to be the best it can be on the PlayStation 3. If Kojima must sacrifice some of the ambitious things he wants pull off with PlayStation 3 hardware in order to get it running on Xbox 360 hardware, I will be very disappointed.
Metal Gear Solid 4 marks the finale of such a prestigious franchise; for me, it and Halo 3 are the most important gaming finales of all time. I want them both to be as good as they can be. If lemmings get MGS4 without Kojima Productions sacrificing anything, i'm very happy with Konami. If it's gimped on PlayStation 3 because of the 360 though, I won't be happy with Konami for downgrading such an important game in the name of profits. All I can say is this: I hope to God i'm proven wrong.
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