@sts106mat said:
@casharmy said:
@lostrib said:
I feel like the same people who go around shitting on the PC are now trying to turn around and use it as a plus for their own fanboyism
No one cares about how you feel lostrib either post on the topic or shut up, you can't seem to contribute to any topic you are in. My post has nothing to do with fanbyism dimwit because as I stated I have defended xbox one in the past against PC using it's very exclusives as the reason.
My arguments points have NEVER changed at any point in my posting history so miss me with your baseless stupidity about fanboyism. I have always been a console gamer first and always defended any console over PC because I value console exclusives. However, like I have pointed out in this thread, what MS is doing with xbox one is an unprecedented event for a console where they are setting up to put all their major exclusives on PC.
When my main argument points for console over PC have always been their exclusives, how exactly is anything in my thread related to fanboyism numbskull? Would you like me to pull some of my posts where I defended xbox one over PC using it's exclusives to prove you're an idiot?
Like I said post on the topic or GTFO, as usual you are barking up the wrong tree with your assumptions and brain dead post contributions.
When did Halo 3, reach, MCC, 4, 5 etc get released for the PC? what about the Forza games?
Halo wars going to PC is not a surprise as the original did. the main halo and all forza games are not on PC and are definitely MAJOR exclusives. even if they were to end up on PC, why would it be a bad thing?
If you have a PC, there is little point owning either of the two consoles at the moment, because none of the exclusives have been exactly mind blowing.
None of those games make non xbox 1 owners want to buy an xbox one!
Let's be realistic here unless you are already a xbox fanatic none of those games you listed are going to draw anyone outside of MS's core demographic to support xbox one.
I said "at this point" for the specific fact that I was looking at xbox one for it's new exclusive IPs that MS announced, to be exact, Quantum Break and Scalebound! I think most people who don't currently own a xbox one was looking at the system for either one of those specific games.
I am not very fond of Gears or Crackdown but there was also hype for those games among some other people. My point is the few high profile games that got people interested in xbox one that don't already own the system are getting shared with it's more versatile PC cousin now.
Halo 5 is out but it isn't even as good as a lot of xbox loyalist expected it to be, how is that supposed to draw in non xbox owners? Forza..well it didn't even chart the month it released so even the owners of xbox aren't very interested in it.
People who aren't loyal xbox fans aren't going to buy an xbox one for the same HaloForzaGears trilogy anymore and that is pretty clear but the new IP's MS has did interest a lot of people (QB, SB) but these games are now being projected to release on PC as we speak, I couldn't justify owning a PS4 either if Sony did this. I mean all the high profile games for xbox one going to PC. First Recore, now Quantum Break on day 1!
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