@casharmy said:
None of those games make non xbox 1 owners want to buy an xbox one!
Let's be realistic here unless you are already a xbox fanatic none of those games you listed are going to draw anyone outside of MS's core demographic to support xbox one.
I said "at this point" for the specific fact that I was looking at xbox one for it's new exclusive IPs that MS announced, to be exact, Quantum Break and Scalebound! I think most people who don't currently own a xbox one was looking at the system for either one of those specific games.
I am not very fond of Gears or Crackdown but there was also hype for those games among some other people. My point is the few high profile games that got people interested in xbox one that don't already own the system are getting shared with it's more versatile PC cousin now.
Halo 5 is out but it isn't even as good as a lot of xbox loyalist expected it to be, how is that supposed to draw in non xbox owners? Forza..well it didn't even chart the month it released so even the owners of xbox aren't very interested in it.
People who aren't loyal xbox fans aren't going to buy an xbox one for the same HaloForzaGears trilogy anymore and that is pretty clear but the new IP's MS has did interest a lot of people (QB, SB) but these games are now being projected to release on PC as we speak, I couldn't justify owning a PS4 either if Sony did this. I mean all the high profile games for xbox one going to PC. First Recore, now Quantum Break on day 1!
oh, you still speak for everyone do you?
you dont have to be an Xbox fanatic to want to play a great sci-fi FPS or the premier console racing sim series.
someone looking at QB or Scalebound, can still buy and Xbox one and play those games, so.....there's that.
I am bored of Gears and never liked crackdown, unless either of them turn out to be mega, i will probably pass, doesn't mean that lots of other people can STILL play them on X1 if they want to. acting like all of sudden, people will buy gaming PC's instead of X1, is incredibly stupid, even for you.
Halo is a game thats on the X1, its an arrow in the quiver and a series that lives on, no matter what clowns say.
Forza, probably is suffering from franchise fatigue, not going to lie there, its a great series, it just needs a break. That said, i'd rather have too much of a good thing than have to wait years for something shit, i.e. driveclub / Gran Turismo.
Like i said, who cares if the games are playable on the PC too? you do realise that they cannot be played on the competitions consoles, so isn't that the most important factor?
MS has always made games for the PC, i can't see it as a bad thing that people have options.
Don't want to mess about with technical issues / hardware / drivers etc? get it on X1.
want the best experience possible but don't mind / (maybe enjoy) a bit of technical f-ing about? get it on PC.
Acting like people wont continue to buy Xbox ones / play its games, just because SOME are available on PC, is pathetic.
hell most games are multiplats anyway, there are very few "amazing exclusives" on either machine. so by your logic, everyone will just sack the consoles off and get gaming PC's.
your argument is absolute twaddle.
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