[QUOTE="blackdreamhunk"] [QUOTE="FFXIII360"]I have a gaming PC and a 360 and for games I'll take my 360 over the crap that's been hitting the PCFFXIII360
yea rehashed game play on console the very reason capcom wants to muilit plat. They need something new and fresh lol.hey check this something that console can't do
hey look console don't have space games lol
yea console are soooo great!!!
holo was reashed game so was UT3 wonder why?
Crysis MP sucked and the game was fun until the end
If Crysis is your main reason for PC gaming that's pretty sad
here is what happens when game devs spend too many years working on the consolehttp://www.shacknews.com/onearticle.x/54666
have taken a good look at capcom sales from japan to the west. lol
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