[QUOTE="0rin"][QUOTE="-supercharged-"]Not really my type of game but it sure does look amazing. PelekotansDream
how funny. the last post I read expresses my feelings almost exactly. Though I wouldn't say "amazing". I would say "great" But the graphics in this game are nothing terribly special. But I never was too big of fan for the whole "American Mcgee's Alice" style. Except the Cheshire Cat. He was awesome. Also, it is, by technical definition, an FPS. Its first person, and a shooter (IE, you shoot guns, rather than swing swords). But it's more of a horror FPS. like FEAR, only totaly different style/setting. I dunno what I'm trying to get at, outside of, it looks like a great game for those into this style of game. But I honestly couldn't see myself paying $60 for this, despite what consoles it will be on. Now fanboys, commence the "OMG he doesn't think it is the best thing since sliced bread, he MUST be a jealous fanboy." drivel.
Yeah, this game doesn't look that great to me, Mass Effect looks way better. The telekinesis does reminds me of PsiOps however, which I liked.
Never played PsiOps. I heard it wasn't that great, but I also heard it wasn't terrible either. The telekinesis reminds me a little of the matrix. I also dig the look and sounds of the Big Daddies. The whole thing with the little girls thing though... I mean, I'm as sick and twisted as the next guy, but to me, thats ... "approaching" the line. Oh, and as a LOT of people have said before me, the water effects in this game are the best I've seen in an FPS. Its no different than killing an erderly person in GTA or just killing anyone. This game is kinda about making moral choices, so the devs say. >_>
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