99% of demos look exactly the same.99% of people pull %'s out of their...killzowned24
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http://www.gameswire.net/comparisons/comparison_2_47_stack.html Right here baby. ocstewArent those pictures useless?
Yeah it's not as good looking as I was hoping for =/What I think is hillarious is how people thought this would be the graphicks king on consoles, Yet judging by the demos I can name games on both the PS3 and 360 that blow this out of the water .
The destructible environments are great though. But you are right.What I think is hillarious is how people thought this would be the graphicks king on consoles, Yet judging by the demos I can name games on both the PS3 and 360 that blow this out of the water .
Does anyone else find it funny that the TC doesn't like the PC version because he can't max it.. yet loves the PS3 version when it doesn't even come close to high settings.. let alone maxing? I smell a certain barn yard animal here.
...i already explained it...if you having nothing uselful to post then don't. i smell...a retard...
Dude if you were really a PC gamer you would know a difference from a beta and a finshed game or demo. The ps3 and 360 are on their demos, while this is just a PC beta. DICE themselves said there is still much optimization to done and the beta is lacking the higher textures of the retail. I have a 260gtx OC and I run the game at all high with 2x aa at 1600x900. Turn HBAO off as it seems to be bugged and is a performance killer also download newest drivers. Wait for the final PC version or at least a PC demo before you make assumptions.
if you're suggesting that im not a pc gamer, then you're sorely mistaken. i probably spent aug-dec. solely playing pc games, and while there is the advantage of mouse over joysticks, better graphics, better community, i still like to play consoles once in a while as they are more unwinding. im not stuck in a chair (yes i know you can hookup my laptop to HDMI...but i hardly ever do) and sit on a soft sofa, with a nice 7.1 surround sound system (i only own a 2.1 klipsch promedia system, while good...it doesn't provide surround sound) looking at a nice tv. btw...yes ps3/360 graphics are kind of lackluster but you usually sit far away enough to not notice those imperfections. if you're a graphics whore that notices everything (like the diff. in trees -_-), then you obviously know what system you want to buy a game for, pc.
well i just tried playing with HBAO off and it run better, but there is still something...that i dont like about it. maybe cuz there are so many BF2 sniper veterans that own me on PC? lol jk, no...but srsly sometimes i just feel like buying a game on consoles. like batman: AA, i would buy that on ps3 rather than pc even though pc has awesome physx support...another example is DiRT2.
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