I have a question for the TC.
Hey TC! Do you own a console that you can play BF 1943 on?
If so, please post some sort of proof (GT, PSN, Steam ID will work)
If not. Please feel free to keep pontifacating on subjects you know nothing about, it's really funny for the rest of us.
To answer your question, "What makes BF 1943 so special" Well....It's BF 1942 with decent graphics, destructible environments, tanks, jeeps, and planes. It's a $15 down loadable title that brings BF 1942 to consoles, with some improvements. Yes they cut down the classes from 5 to 3 and the total player count from 32 to 24. If you're in the camp that thinks that more=better, I guess this game isn't for you. Go play Resistance 2 or BF on the PC.
I'm in the camp that says give me quality over quanity anytime. And BF 1943 is quality.
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