Did I miss it when Halo, Mario, Zelda, Uncharted, Gran Turismo, Forza, Gears of War, Killzone, ect went multiplatform? There are still tons of big budget exclusives being released on consoles, the same can't be said about PC.
Did I miss it when those games became 3rd party? Pretty much all of those are 1st or 2nd party games; and hence have zero choice on what platforms they are released on.
Console games that do have a choice have gone cross platform for the most part. There are of course exceptions, but console games appear to go cross platform a lot more often than PC games.
Why "seem"? That's exactly why consoles are doing better.
The last time Sony reported the condition of their Playstation division; they were $4.7 billion in the loss. That's billion, with a B.
Where did all that money go? It's because the 1st party are pumping drastic quantities of money into their platforms to make them popular. They launch their platforms at a loss, they contract and produce big budget games that should go cross platform because of their budget; and they keep them exclusive to one platform.
This generations Playstation and Xbox required a initial investment of billions just to get them in a sustainable condition; and it is costing 10s of millions more to bring exclusive games to the platforms in order to differentiate themselves from the competition.
Does this sound healthy to you? There would literally be little reason to choose one platform over the other if Microsoft and Sony wasn't constantly financing exclusive, this is what I call financial life support, they cannot survive on their own.
Yet here is a platform that hasn't received a penny of support pushing the platform; and yet has the most exclusive games. Something is seriously wrong with the console business model, at this rate Playstation and Xbox will lose their ability to differentiate themselves; when the cost to produce these big budget exclusives exceeds the ability of the platforms audience to break even with sales.
It's more like a testament to how far PC has fallen actually, going from Half Life 2 and Baldur's Gate 2 to Vacation Mogul. Take 5 of those little obscure indie games and they don't equal even one Halo: Reach or Uncharted 2. And I think you're confused, consoles have ALWAYS relied on exclusives, what exactly do you think is going to change about that next gen?
You're living in a unsustainable 1st party generated fantasy land that is going to eventually fall apart. Sure consoles have always had 1st and 2nd party titles, but when have you ever seen anything like this? Or this? Take away the 1st party support; and what's left? There is a difference between producing games to support a platform; and doing it because the platforms very ability to differentiate itself is dependant on it.
Without 1st party funding; 360s and PS3s exclusive line-up would be pathetic. There wouldn't be a Halo Reach or a Uncharted 2, most of the games you would use the argue the value of these platforms wouldn't exist; if it wasn't for the 1st party taking on incredible amounts of financial risk in hope they pay it all off by next gen.
Consoles have become reliant on 1st party financial backing; were as PC has not. Seeing how costs keep getting higher and higher, which platform do you think is the most sustainable? If you weren't biased you would know it is the one that has been around for decades.
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