I don't want to be the "guy who disagrees only because everybody agrees" here but honestly? Oblivion and... Bioshock?
I mean yeah they were fun games but nobody was dissapointed by how much the developers didn't push their potential? I mean with games like Morrowind and System Shock 2 looking over their shoulders, the simplistic and dumbed down succesors kind of stung me. It was sort of a "**** you" to the fans. I mean in terms of business, its a great strategy because it just opens the door to more gamers and thusly more money. Yeah thats the right way to do it. I just kind of felt really sad because we really don't have that many deep RPGs out there anymore.
Oblivion didn't push the envelope like Morrowind did, but it's still one of the best games for the current generation. As for Bioshock vs. System Shock 2, I never played System Shock 2, so I'm not sure. In any case, both games were amazing. I know where you're coming from, but in any case, give these games their due. Oblivion single-handedly made me buy a 360, and at no point afterwards did I regret it or feel disappointed by it. Bioshock is just one of those games you have to see, feel, and play to really get the fullest out of it. But once you do, it's definitely one of the best this generation has to offer.
Oblivion was good but it definately disappointed me. But to each their own.
Oblivion wasn't as good as Morrowind, I'll admit that. I've put far more time into Morrowind than Oblivion. That said, Oblivion did certain things really good. Obviously the visuals were amazing, but the gameplay...right. It should probably be noted that I played Oblivion on the 360 and Morrowind on the PC, but Oblivion played really well for being on a console. I figured the controls would be clumsy at best, but they're quite workable. My main gripe with Oblivion, stupid as it sounds, is the menus. I can never find anything in those menus. It's painfully hard just to equip your character with the armor you want.
I think they could did the menus alot better, espiecally the auto-commands. My gripe with Oblivion was the level systems, it pretty muchwas one thing, you either made a good character or a bad one. In Morrowind, you could morph what you first started out even if you didnt select good things in the beginning, but in Oblivion, it was a struggle. I was in all happiness when I got my Oblvion 360 version(after my PC version didnt work), I was use to Morrowind, so I took that in and bam my character was a serious struggle.
I can see there are some balance issues in Oblivion, but I never found it overly hindering on the actual experience. There were flaws, yes, but I never found most of them in the way of my enjoying the game. Overall, I just found Oblivion to be one of those rare games that aren't perfect, but the flaws aren't in the way, either. In any case, if you don't like Oblivion, be my guest. I'm not bothered. Different strokes for different folks.
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