Best: Bioware
Worst: Disney Interactive Studios
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You shall not say Valve. I forbid you :) But seriously, what have Valve done so bad IYO this gen that puts them up for this? Did Gabe Newell run over your dog?[QUOTE="TheOtherTheoG"][QUOTE="N7v1K0"]
Out of the ones whose games I've played
Best - BioWare, Naughty Dog, Dice, R*
Worst- Them CoD studios, Bungie (extremely disappointed with all recent Halos), Lionhead (meh) and dare I say Valve?
Lol :P
It's just that I found their games extremely boring. After hearing so much good from friends and teh internet, I was REALLY disappointed from what I got out of their products. IMO they're one of the most overrated devs and I simply do not understand why people find their games so special :?
Even Portal? How can anyone find Portal boring? *does not compute*Bethesda? Bethesda is bad. :|Best: Bethesda, Nintendo.
I don't really know a specific developer that developed multiple bad games, but whoever the Dev for Terminator Salvation was.
Best: Nintendo and its subsidiaries, BioWare
Worst: LucasArts. Seriously, The Force Unleashed games could have been amazing given the premise and yet they blew it
best new developer - platinum games
best developer - nintendo
most improved - guerilla games
biggest fall from grace - square einx
worst developer - high voltage software
(btw I'm not counting those no name shovelware devs)
wow this was actually pretty close to my list.
Best new comer: Tie inbetween Uber Entertainment and TaleWorlds
Best Developer: Paradox Interactive (sorry, Europa Universalis 3 is AWESOME!)
Most Improved: Avalanche Studios, Just Cause 2 is simply better in everyway compared to Just Cause 1
Biggest fall from grace: Lucas Arts, this was a tough pick for me, but Compare Jedi Knight to TFU and you'll see what i mean.
Honourable mentions for fall from grace: Creative Assembly, compare Rome:TW and Medieval 2: TW to Emipire: TW andNapolian: TW. You'll see.
Worst Developer:I can't say. Only Devs, and publishersI hate(EA, Activision, Epic, Sega, Infinity Ward etc.).
Best - Bioware. They introduced Dragon Age and Mass Effect this generation and have The Old Republic due out relatively soon.
Worst - Rebellion. I still don't think AvP was that bad but anyone who played Rogue Warrior would understand my reasoning.
Special shoutouts for new development studios Visceral and Rocksteady. Also Platinum Games is pretty great.
best new developer - platinum games
best developer - nintendo
Runner Up - Infinity Ward
most improved - guerilla games
biggest fall from grace - square einx
worst developer - high voltage software (This should be Treyarch [Black Ops] The Conduit was horrible, i know, but its only one game and Conduit 2 is looking much more promising.)
(btw I'm not counting those no name shovelware devs)
Everything in red, I am including.
Favorite: Naughty Dog - with games like Crash Bandicoot, Jak and Daxter, and now Uncharted, they have had hit runs every generation, with thier biggest in Uncharted Least: No idea, perhaps Bungie, I liked reach, but it was disappointing to me
EDIT*** Sorry, Bungie disappointed me, but by no means are they the worst this gen, my mistake. That being said, I have to say Treyarch, especially since I am a PS3 COD player
It looks like most are listing publishers rather than developers. In that case
Best: Nintendo who published
1: Super Mario Galaxy 2
2: Super Mario Galaxy
3: New Super Mario Bros. Wii
4: New Super Mario Bros.
5:Mario and Luigi Partners in Time
6:Mario and Luigi Bowser's Inside Story
7: Pokemon Pearl/diamond
8: Pokemon Heartgold/Soulsilver
9: Twilight Princess
10: Donkey Kong Country Returns
11: Dragon Quest IX (published by Nintendoin North America)
12: Metroid Prime 3
13: Metroid Other M
14: Advance Wars Dual Strike
15: Advance Wars Days of Ruin
16: Sin and Punishment Star Successor
17: Mario Kart DS
18: Super Smash Bros. Brawl
that's a total of18 games which aretop notch titles
It looks like most are listing publishers rather than developers. In that case
Best: Nintendo who published
1: Super Mario Galaxy 2
2: Super Mario Galaxy
3: New Super Mario Bros. Wii
4: New Super Mario Bros.
5:Mario and Luigi Partners in Time
6:Mario and Luigi Bowser's Inside Story
17: Mario Kart DS
Man,Nintendo really knows how to milk the mario name,and that´s not even all Mario games this gen. :P
If you think Bioware is the worst you need to play more games. It's cool that that you do not like them as a developer, but the their titles are far from bad.Actually, he said Bioware games are the most "disappointing," not that the developer itself is worst.[QUOTE="Mr_Cumberdale"]Best: Nintendo Worst: Nothing, but the one with the mos disappointing games goes to Bioware.jasonharris48
[QUOTE="jasonharris48"]If you think Bioware is the worst you need to play more games. It's cool that that you do not like them as a developer, but the their titles are far from bad.Actually, he said Bioware games are the most "disappointing," not that the developer itself is worst. I apologize, my mistake[QUOTE="Mr_Cumberdale"]Best: Nintendo Worst: Nothing, but the one with the mos disappointing games goes to Bioware.thom_maytees
I don't have a worst, but Cave is by far the best (imo). They listen to their fans more than any other company.
They held a poll to see which game they should bring to XBLA. Guwange won the vote so they ported guwange. People disliked the lack of resolution options (no 4:3 mode) for those who wanted to play in tate on a CRT or LCD and they voiced their opinions on Cave's facebook and now Cave is releasing a patch to include 4:3 mode next weekend.
fans don't like arrange mode b in DDP DFK, cave has released patches altering the mode to satisfy the fanbase. they asked on facebook if they should buy a region-free license for MMP/PS, and due to the overwhelming amount of replies they bought the license.
they comment on peoples fan pictures and comments as well. they're awesome.
Best: Relic, GSC Gameworld, DICE, and Valve, also Tripwire Interactive, but they haven't really done much, so the title is shaky for them.
ID = worst (might change after Quake 5 ??) best = rockstar,ND,Valve,bohemia interactivebadtaker
id? Really? The last game they developed was Doom 3 and that was last gen. Unless you hated Quake Live or think Rage looks unpromising, I don't see how a practically hibernating development studio is the worst.
I gonna say Ubisoft. Anyone responsible for Assassins Creed Brotherhood single player gotta be the worst developer of all time regardless of any other games developed.
I'd say so far, the best this gen have been Nintendo, Rockstar, Media Molecule, Bungie, Bioware, Bethesda and probably Valve.
I don't know about the worst.
Best: Nintendo, bungie
Worst: I dunno. I guess infinity ward, but they did make COD4, which was good.
Most Improved: Valve. last genii Valve games are BAD(HL, Portal) but this gen they brought us L4D 1&2, and those are great games.
Worst: Square Enix (Technically there are dozens of worse devs but that made 1.5/10 games etc but SE disapointed more than any one else)
BEST: Kojima Productions by far for making the Game of the Generation; Metal Gear Solid 4
I gonna say Ubisoft. Anyone responsible for Assassins Creed Brotherhood single player gotta be the worst developer of all time regardless of any other games developed.
I thought that would be a reason for them to be one of the best devs this gen.
[QUOTE="N7v1K0"][QUOTE="TheOtherTheoG"] You shall not say Valve. I forbid you :) But seriously, what have Valve done so bad IYO this gen that puts them up for this? Did Gabe Newell run over your dog?TheOtherTheoG
Lol :P
It's just that I found their games extremely boring. After hearing so much good from friends and teh internet, I was REALLY disappointed from what I got out of their products. IMO they're one of the most overrated devs and I simply do not understand why people find their games so special :?
Even Portal? How can anyone find Portal boring? *does not compute*Yes, but I'm actually hoping that I WILL like Portal 2.
The PS3 -> PC cross-coop sounds interesting, and hopefully being a full lenght game they'll actually have a decent story in it.
I gonna say Ubisoft. Anyone responsible for Assassins Creed Brotherhood single player gotta be the worst developer of all time regardless of any other games developed.
I thought that would be a reason for them to be one of the best devs this gen.
LOL you're funny ;P
best: bioware, ubisoft, rockstar, vavle, dice, and bungie (i know thats a lot but i love them all:D)
worst: bethesda. (i hated oblivion and FO3:x)
Best Developer: Nintendo EAD, the galaxies were awesome and wii sports series was fun, nothing special but fun games nonetheless, especially for being free games.
Best New Developer: GSC. They made the STALKER series, and despite my overall hatred for shooters, I ended up falling in love with these. Cant wait for STALKER 2
Favorite New Developer: Taleworlds, they made 1 game and an expansion pack so far. Mount and Blade has the best combat system I have ever seen in an action rpg. Not only that but they have on occasion given us items and maps free of charge, never charged for DLC. GSC are better developers though.
Most improved: Guerilla games. Killzone 1 was considered pretty bad, Killzone 2 was considered excellent. I have not played either game though so I cant really judge well.
Most improved during this gen: Topware interactive. Two worlds was considered pretty bad, Two worlds 2 was a solid 8/10 imo.
Fall from grace: Square Enix. They were considered the best back then, now...
Worst Developer: Data Design Interactive
Least Favorite Developer: Bioware. Cliche plots, generic overused stereotypical characters, repetitive gameplay, spewing BS like 100s of planets to explore, rehashed structure in every game, level scaling in every damn game they make, conversation wheels leading to facepalm worthy moments, dumbing down sequels, consistantly advertising choices in their games when the choices themselves are really shallow and seldomly have an affect on the game outside your alignment. Mass Effect 2 is my least favorite game of all time. I also have a bad feeling that The Old Republic will fail pretty hard, the only thing they seem to talk about is the leveling experience, and bringing in single player elements. Making space ship combat a tunnel shooter in the same vein as star fox just doesnt seem like a good idea.
I gonna say Ubisoft. Anyone responsible for Assassins Creed Brotherhood single player gotta be the worst developer of all time regardless of any other games developed.
I thought that would be a reason for them to be one of the best devs this gen.
LOL you're funny ;P
ac: brotherhood was an awesome continuation if ezio's storyline:|[QUOTE="charlesdarwin55"]
I thought that would be a reason for them to be one of the best devs this gen.
LOL you're funny ;P
ac: brotherhood was an awesome continuation if ezio's storyline:|Ok first of all that was pretty c*** to begin with but it's turned out for the worse in this really shallow immature story. Really dissapointed the only thing that makes the game descent is the multiplayer which is in fact pretty genious.
I gonna say Ubisoft. Anyone responsible for Assassins Creed Brotherhood single player gotta be the worst developer of all time regardless of any other games developed.
I thought that would be a reason for them to be one of the best devs this gen.
LOL you're funny ;P
Tell me, what was wrong with it? The story was a bit disappointing by itself but it still made a great contribution to the AC universe, not to mention that the gameplay is amazing.
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