for me halo reach
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Best Graphics: Crysis Best Multiplayer: Team Fortress 2 Best Campaign: Hl2/Episodes Overall, i cant really think of any that are top echelon in all of those things so im just going to go with: Buy the Orange Box.ferret-gamerPretty much this
Best graphics is by far Crysis
Best Co-Op - L4D
Best Campaign - Half Life 2
Best Multiplayer - Well thats a toss up between L4D, MW2, BO, BC2 and reach
Nothing comes close to it's excellence. On a smaller scale I'd have to say Counter Strike, but I still find Battlefield 2 to be the defining FPS.
stalker games as a whole+complete mod
Imo nothing comes close to the atmosphere and complexity ( for an fps always ) of Stalker
stalker games as a whole+complete mod
Imo nothing comes close to the atmosphere and complexity ( for an fps always ) of Stalker
But the mulitplayer is essentially dead for anyone outside of russia.
stalker games as a whole+complete mod
Imo nothing comes close to the atmosphere and complexity ( for an fps always ) of Stalker
But the mulitplayer is essentially dead for anyone outside of russia.
Single player wise i mean. As for MP Battlefield 2 is the best But with 30-40 hours of gameplay at least for each of the 3 stalkers and the non linear progression imo it doesnt need the MP partstalker games as a whole+complete mod
Imo nothing comes close to the atmosphere and complexity ( for an fps always ) of Stalker
dam i was gonna say Stalker but i thought RPG with it lol in a way yes this game trully is a marvelous creation and the atmosphere will even make an emo about to hang himself more depressedUhh... Shock 2?[QUOTE="adamosmaki"]
stalker games as a whole+complete mod
Imo nothing comes close to the atmosphere and complexity ( for an fps always ) of Stalker
Anywho I pick Crysis/Warhead for single player, and Reach for multi.
I love System Shock 2 as well but i was thinking recently released fps As for complexity yeah SS2 i kinda agree about that but as for atmosphere imo nothing touches StalkerBest Graphics: Crysis Best Multiplayer: Team Fortress 2 Best Campaign: Hl2/Episodes Overall, i cant really think of any that are top echelon in all of those things so im just going to go with: Buy the Orange Box.ferret-gamer
pretty much agree with this post (would set CS equal to TF2) and the poll is just wrong :/ If you want a console only discussion, state it. Anyway, in the console-only aspect I'd chose:
Graphics: Kz2 (soon Kz3 xD)
Multiplayer: CoD:Bo (alone for the split screen online MP in 3D)
Campaign: traditional FPS I'd say Kz2, but Bioshock tops it easely if we count FPS/RPG hybrids
Nothing comes close to it's excellence. On a smaller scale I'd have to say Counter Strike, but I still find Battlefield 2 to be the defining FPS.
Bad Company 2 is more balanced, the soldier kits make more sense, there's no overpowered weapons in BC 2 (in contrast with the PKM/G36E in BF 2), the respawn system in BC 2 and the spotting system increases the teamwork, the customization options are way more flexible. BF 2 is only better in the scale and the map designs.
As a complete package, Reach. Single player, co-op campaign, firefight, 4 player split screen, system link, online with one person, online with 4 people on the same tv, all on offer. Graphics are very pretty, sound incredible, story good enough, gameplay just about perfect for what it is, there's forge and theatre and whatnot too, plus a massive community. Maybe each individual aspect could be beaten by a specific game, but as a whole I think Reach is untouchable.locopatho
This is just hat I was going to say. But I'll also add Reach is the most customizable shooter on consoles. Not only can plyers create their on custom maps in Forge but even custom game types; from weapon options, to Spartan/Elite features (stats for health and shields, etc...), and other modifiers like gravity, running speed, armor ability pre-sets, vehicle options, spawning points, match victory conditions... it just goes on and on.
Single player: Shadow of Chernobyl and the other STALKER games. Crysis is not as good imo, but it still deserves a mention for being a fantastic game.
Multiplayer: Probably TF2, CoD4 is good as well.
Overall: Dunno. As another poster said, just buy The Orange Box.
I weigh MP mode the highest for FPS games and Bad Company 2 takes the cake. Graphics go to Crysis though.
I dont think Stalker is a fair card to play here. Its about the same as saying Deus Ex; it just sells the games short..Oddworld: Strangers Wrath FTW! :lol:
Eh, I'm just not much of a FPS guy. The only ones I usually enjoy are the ones that dont follow the routine formula. Strangers Wrath, Metroid Prime games, Portal, etc.
Stranger's Wrath is actually an exceptionally good, albeit unconventional shooter. Glad someone mentioned it.
[QUOTE="alextherussian"]I dont think Stalker is a fair card to play here. Its about the same as saying Deus Ex; it just sells the games short..DraugenCP
Why not? The games might borrow from other genres, but at heart they are as pure as first person shooters come.
Because placing Serious Sam in the same category as Deus Ex is kind of ridiculous.[QUOTE="ChubbyGuy40"]
Nothing comes close to it's excellence. On a smaller scale I'd have to say Counter Strike, but I still find Battlefield 2 to be the defining FPS.
Bad Company 2 is more balanced, the soldier kits make more sense, there's no overpowered weapons in BC 2 (in contrast with the PKM/G36E in BF 2), the respawn system in BC 2 and the spotting system increases the teamwork, the customization options are way more flexible. BF 2 is only better in the scale and the map designs.
To each his own. I liked BF2's kits more than BC2's. More roles to play, though it would be nice to have those customizable options that BC2 has (Like different scope and I believe different calibur bullets. Been awhile since I've played.) Helicopters and Jets were a defining feature too. Jets are f'ing scary to come across, and helicopters are fun to fight against. I suck at piloting both :P
As far as overpowered weapons, I don't think it's quite fair for the LMG in the Medic kit to have the accuracy it does. I was able to pick off a sniper in a tower. It's stupid to give a medic an LMG in the first place. I much prefer my overpowered L-85 from Battlefield 2. BF2 had spotting and squad respawn also. The Battlefield franchise needs a better communication system, though I've had better teamwork in BF2 and BC2 than any other game that actually has open voice chat. Except for MAG and CS:S.
[QUOTE="alextherussian"]I dont think Stalker is a fair card to play here. Its about the same as saying Deus Ex; it just sells the games short..alextherussian
Why not? The games might borrow from other genres, but at heart they are as pure as first person shooters come.
Because placing Serious Sam in the same category as Deus Ex is kind of ridiculous.So is placing Mario Kart and Gran Turismo in the same category, yet they're both still racing games.
So is placing Mario Kart and Gran Turismo in the same category, yet they're both still racing games.Agreed, in gaming a single one word for genre may not be enough to differentiate a title, much like now movies are classified under several labels (Romantic Comedy, Dramatic Thriller) games should be as well.DraugenCP
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