[QUOTE="Rocker6"][QUOTE="faizan_faizan"] Was Witcher 2 your favourite because of the art or it's technical graphics? Whenever I see Witcher 2 screenshots all I see is the use of excessive bloom and some other post processing effects. I don't see anything technical appealing about it. But I digress since I've never played it.faizan_faizan
For me, Witcher 2 is the most perfect combination of highly competent technical and artistic visuals we had this gen, they do a great job complimenting each other. Now sure, in some screenshots, you'll see some excessive post-processing, it's true the game slightly overdoes it in a few certain parts, but still, I strongly advise you to play it, aside from my best looking game this gen, I also find it one of the best RPGs I played in recent years.
I'll surely play it in my spare time.If you don't have it yet, go pick it up from GOG, it's on a discount, $10 until July 5th. Also, check out the mods, there's one big texture pack on Nexus you should use, makes the game look even better. Check ou the combat rebalance mod as well, got recently released, fixes the issues with the combat and introduces various other improvements. Haven't tried it myself yet, but will do it when I replay the game...
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