Tons of awesome looking games at this year's E3 so it's pretty difficult to single out the best one this time around. But there's one game that separates itself from the rest in terms of looking most CGI like, and it is God of War. Everything was real time, same quality of lighting, shaders and models throughout the whole demo in one continues shot as mentioned by the devs. It has the most detailed character model ever bathed in high quality volumetric lighting with GI bounce, high quality skin shaders and complex fur shaders that really pumps out that organic feel. The environment detail is through the roof with tessellated snow, dense geometry, high res textures everywhere, yet presented in a huge scale for you to explore. Not to mention the promised epic giant boss fights that would elevated the visuals ten folds. What we've seen at E3 is nothing but a taste of what's to come visually, yet it has already reached such heights. Behold, a new graphics king has arrived.
Runner up
Horizon Zero Dawn
Third Place
Just imagine Neo version of those games now! Yeah I'm not seeing Gears 4 coming anywhere close HDR or not.
Gears 4
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