[QUOTE="Ngon"][QUOTE="Berserker_2"][QUOTE="Ngon"][QUOTE="Stumpt25"] Theres been loads of sheep posts saying: Gameplay>>>>Graphics
which is extremely true, however, just because a game has good graphics are we saying that the gameplay is going to suck? hell no! think about it: GeOW, Oblivion, R:FOM
these are all great games and yet, they have nice graphics (i know im going to get 100000 posts saying "R:FOM wasnt goodgraphics!!!"... but, it was, it ss graphics scored a 9 in gamespot.)
better hardware means more room to push gameplay and graphics. AND ANYWAY, LETS ENCOURAGE DEVS TO KEEP STANDARDS HIGH! if for every game that comes out we go: Graphics dont matter! then standards are going to drop.
if gameplay > graphics, why upgrade consoles for? you know.
even creator of wii said wii is a gamecube
Good poit about upgrading consoles. The same could be said of PCs. I wonder why people upgrade PCs? Maybe they like better graphics?
not just graphics... better physics and AI
Sheep need to stop using this excuse "gameplay > graphics"
just admit it, wii is aim for kids and casuals gamers
It's funny that the Sheep rarely post in threads that are logical. I think this is why you see much more Sony bashing. Sheep flock to the Sony bashing threads and never debate about their own console.
This is SW - no fanboy posts anything logical. I can't see why you're pointing the finger just at nintendo fanboys- I've yet to see a Sony fanboy or MS fanboy question their own console. Sony in particular. "Just wait until 2008!11!11"
And it's obviously clear you've never been to the Wii board. There is still the occasional thread questioning wii's power in the long term, and it's staying power particulary with its currently lackluster library (compared to 360 and PC).
But Wii is not aimed to just kids and casuals. You're getting software and hardware mixed up. Tell me an 8 year old or casual who would pick up or be allowed to pick up a Resident Evil on Wii. Same goes for Disaster, Metroid Prime 3, Manhunt 2, No More Heroes. I'm sick of idiots confusing the term 'family-friendly' with 'kiddy'.
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