[QUOTE="mitu123"]720p on med-high settings.
You just randomply pulled that out of your ass, I have not seen any official specs of BF4 on any next gen console. If its at at mid-high settings at 720p it will have the pleasure of being the worst next gen title visually on either console.
I go by experience, and no way the console versions will be at Ultra, that would require 4xMSAA which is gpu intensive and Ultra on Shadows which is cpu intensive. Med-high makes the most sense with 64 players and 60FPS.They should have no problem hitting ultra settings at 1080p if they did 30fps. But even if they bump it up to 60 it should be higher then medium . Current consoles ran it at lowest settings at clos to 720p. 64 players was a problem for the current consoels because lack of ram.
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