@Shewgenja said:
I think you miss the point entirely. LEMS were the ones scrambling around saying the rumored specs were impossibly low a few months back until the XBone was actually revealed to have those specs.
Rather than face up to and own the music that your system is primarily designed for multimedia applications and TV passthrough, you have INSISTED for months that somehow this machine ALSO had the power under the hood that it just doesn't. You have hinged EVERYTHING on secret sauce and magical unicorn powered ESRam to walk the walk..
Well, the answer is, the XBone doesn't walk that walk. It is a needlessly complicated device born forth of a corporation thats left hand does not talk to its right. You guys wanted to stick around after Kinect was rammed down your throats to be good little Microsoft cheerleaders. You guys stood on the sidelines all 2013 while Ni No Kuni was the warning shot from Sony that they were going to bring exclusives out again and again this year despite having a new hardware platform launching.
Shit on me sideways in a hurricane. This isn't about me being a Cow or anything else. This is about you die-hard lemmings being utter lunatics all year long and getting served your commupance.
And yet the PS4 has OS issues, features that won't be ready come launch, networking issues, games held back for performance issues, and a shit-ton of rumors about reviewgate and staged reviews Sigh, there's nothing wrong with either of these systems. But both of them are a work in progress. If a concession that the PS4 is more powerful allows us all to have an actual conversation rather than call each other stupid, so be it. But the constant bitching about a system in the works when the one you want is nearly in the same boat except for graphics becomes crazy. And having seen first hand and played launch One games, going forward I think they'll be just fine if behind the PS4 in in-game graphic performance. No need to negate features the One has just cause you don't want them. Others do. We are knee deep in a clusterf$ck of so called insiders and anonymous rumor mongers and just guys trying to get more clicks for their sites that you start to wonder who you can trust outside your own eyes cause a ton of these people do have agendas no matter what they say.
I never bought the secret sauce BS or any of that. I have stated and still stand by that finished in-game performance I think the PS4 will be graphically better, but not to a huge degree and until I see it, and resolution aint gonna prove that for me, I will not believe it. No one says Titanfall looks better than Killzone. No one says Killzone is a better game than Titanfall. So long as the games are great I'll live without the graphics being equal and take the Ones features as the tradeoff. But again, both systems have a world of work to do. Crapping on one while ignoring all the issues of the other reeks of simple minded fanboyism IMHO.
I know this is System Wars, but it doesn't need to be Stupid Wars.
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