I can only think of a few big 360 exclusives:
Mass Effect - No chance of being cancelled.
Halo Wars - Highly unlikely to be cancelled.
Ninja Gaiden 2
Fable 2
Banjo Kazooie 3
Too Human
The bottom three are the most likely to go.
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I can only think of a few big 360 exclusives:
Mass Effect - No chance of being cancelled.
Halo Wars - Highly unlikely to be cancelled.
Ninja Gaiden 2
Fable 2
Banjo Kazooie 3
Too Human
The bottom three are the most likely to go.
[QUOTE="BioShockOwnz"]Please let it be Fable 2. I want Alan Wake, Banjo, and Too Human. :(Ilived
Are you kidding me?! Fable 2?! Much rather it be Too Human, that game seems to be whack.
No thanks, Fable lacked in almost every way. Silicon Knights developed Eternal Darkness. I'll believe both Silicon Knights and Shane from 1UP's word on the game.
I know it not going to happen, but wouldn't it be funny if Mass Effect was cancelled?:PWanderer5No:(
bet you its either just a rumor or over a game people not many people careabout. If not, i leave system wars forever. And yes, I will live up to my bet. Anyone want to bet against me?
[QUOTE="Sir-Marwin105"]Why would they cancel Too Human if they just showed it, and it garnered positive previews?-Renegade
Agreed it has to be Halo Wars.
That would be even better. Leave RTS's on PC and PS3, since they can both use kb/m.
[QUOTE="-Renegade"]Or it could be Project Sylpheed.[/QUOTE
that game is so bad and makes me feel sick when i play it. Its already out though
I think it could possibly be Alan Wake because the game seems to be a bit of a basketcase. They never presented a coherent game design and they haven't shown anything new in forever.
I don't want it to be that. I don't want any "big" game they have announced to be cancelled completely. I hope whatever it is finds a home at another publisher and whoever is leaving isn't too big but after the Bungie split it could be Rare even though MS seems to give them a bit of latitude designing for the DS and what not.
I suppose they are putting their credibility on the line with this statement in a sense so it probably is true. I could live without Halo Wars out of all of them. Maybe they just weren't pleased with how it controlled with a controller.
Please let it be Fable 2. I want Alan Wake, Banjo, and Too Human. :(BioShockOwnz
Oh God I pray it's not Alan Wake or Too Human. I've been dying for those games since they were shown.
At the end of 1up yours podcast one of the hosts says that a rumor is that next week a big xbox360 exclusive will be cancelled. he did not say what it will be but its 90% confirmed to be true. also said that a big name from microsoft will be leaving the team. for those who don't believe me listen to the latest 1up yours podcast in the last 2 mins. what do u guys think will be the big game cancelled?
Alan Wake!
[QUOTE="agentfred"][QUOTE="Forza_2"]It's not Banjo or Too Human. It's probably Halo Wars...mjarantilla
I doubt they will cancel HW for two reasons, first, it's halo, and that's a big deal, second, they seem to be pretty far along in production. Too Human won't be canceled, too much money has been poured into it, and it is also to far along in development. Banjo though, we haven't even heard anything about it for quite a while, so we have no idea what it's status is. I say it's the cancelled one, if this does turn out to be true.
You never know when games might be cancelled. Ultima Online 2 was cancelled when it was like 90% complete, and remember StarCraft: Ghost? The combination of ongoing litigation and the sub-par response to Too Human might be enough to kill it.
their is no chance it will be halo wars,......1. ensemble studios is owned by MS, and have been for years, developing many games in a long standing partnership,...2. its halo, 100 percent owned by MS and their multi million dollar franchise.....3. its already well into development, so it wont be cancelled, and wont go multiplat becuase its being made from the ground up for the xbox 360.
if i had to guess, i would say Too Human, the whole epic lawsuit, who side would they rather be on? gears or too human?
or above all else, its just a bogus rumor
[QUOTE="BioShockOwnz"][QUOTE="Wanderer5"]I know it not going to happen, but wouldn't it be funny if Mass Effect was cancelled?:PWanderer5
Oh who knows, but I sure SW would probably explosive if that happen.
it wouldnt be possible to entertain that thought, it went gold and it going to be shipped, unless FedEx is on strike
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