Cue drum roll...
Doom 3 AA--Causes a good chunk of "hermits" to leave
Twilight Princess 8.8--If it's true that JeffG got fired because the Kane and Lynch review was the last straw, chances are, this was one of those straws
JeffG getting fired--Never before have I seen such backlash to anything in this industry.
MGS4--Causes lemmings to question the intregrity of reviews, until *insert AAAA 360 exclusive here*, then it'll be the cows
The arrival of Apple fanboys--someone is going to get owned hard either way
The Conduit reviews--I don't trust High Voltage anymore
teh foliage king!--You mean people actually debated this?
Crysis--In one way, I thank you, Crytek, for bringing back PC gaming to a new level of reverence, but I hate you for the same reason, because thanks to you, half these threads here are Console vs. PC. I guessyou can go Apple gaming, that way, nobody wins expect you, I use that same logic to support Linux in front of Mac and PC fanboys:P
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