I found this particular link was of interest for the topic : Biggest Self-Ownage in SW History.
This link is set to Page 4 at 20 posts per page.
Here's the breakdown : A well known Xbox 360 user for quite some many years SW user "Kuu2" reported his new 360 slim had trouble in System Wars and his new 360 slim wasn't working. After being assaulted by many in the SW populace that wouldn't believe him, Kuu2 posted pictures and even made a video I believe at some point. Xbox fan and fellow SW poster Kuu2's machine was experiencing hardware failure, and his new 360 was only a days old.
You see, the 360 slim had just launched at this time in SW history, and while we know now that M$ actually physically removed the Red Ring Lights on the 360 slim, we also know hardware failure on the new 360 slims were replaced with a different color, green. :P
So, somehow, Kuu got some Internet Fame and his broken Slim pictures started appearing in other places all over the internet (Apparently this was big news), from his first posts in SW! :shock: What happened was eventually and what seemed like a week or some weeks later, another System Wars user posted the news of the broken 360 slim (Kuu2's) to the place the news originated at, System Wars. Except, this OP and Posters news source wasn't SW, but the picture of Kuu's broken 360 was from SW.
The cycle was hilarious.
Then, the thread took yet another turn into "The Hilarity ZoneTM" when an infamous and yet now banned System Wars User, ProjectNatalFan, caught wind of these pics and this thread, he wasn't pleased.Not pleased one iota, especially news of a 360 malfunction.
pnf immediately assumed the worst possible fanboy scenario, accusing Kuu2 of taking a heat source and deliberately breaking his new $300 Xbox 360 just so he could post pictures on System Wars, and gain Internet faim.
Unfortunately, the thread was locked, but heres the link to that fun thread. :lol:
Glitchpost wouldn't let me link in the standard way, but for now here :http://www.gamespot.com/forums/topic/27352792/xbox-360-slim-rrod-or-grod-spotted-allready-?page=3
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