To place things into perspective, Halo 3 might not surpass 8.5 now. Bioshock and Metroid Prime 3 where the most original anticipated shooters this generation. Halo 3 doesn't look leaps and bounds better than Bioshock, and it certainly isn't more original than either Bioshock or Prime 3.
But if Halo 3 runs the risk of receiving a less than perfect score, why do Cows think that the non-awaited sequel to the miserable Killzone has a chance ?
Individually Bioshock and Prime 3 have scored more show awards than Killzone 2 multiplied by the number Final Fantasy rehashes released by Square Enix. Additionally Killzone 2's Halo Killer status has not been proved by the mediocre tactical strategy spin-off Killzone: Liberation. You would have mad cow disease to think that Killzone 2 stands a chance of scoring AA now.
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