It feels like you are led/forced through levels in a totally linear way. It's not, you have the option of morality in this game. Do you kill them or save them. And even if, Doom was a great game, and it's a corridor shooter. Sometimes it's nice to just shoot and not have to worry
I didn't feel drawn into or connected to the story or characters at all. Well if you go in with that sort of attitude, then isn't that your fault?
You can't really see what is going on or where you are going half the time. It's Supposed to be scary! How scary would RE4 have been if the charater walked around with a 1000 watt flood light. You supposed to listen. Footsteps. Splashes. Dialog. It's that erie creepy feeling that keeps you tense, and then finnaly something pops up and scares the crap out of you.
The bloodlooks rubbish. Wow, the whole game is almost perfect interms of graphics and art direction, and you have a problem with the blood. Pathetic.
I was constantly picking up items but never gave a hoot what they were for and the game never made me feel like I should give a hoot. So your complaining that you didn't care about the items? Gee, A First aid kit, WTF could that do! A bag of chips? WTF do I do with these? Eat them? That crazy!
Trying to shoot the characters doesn't feel very satisfying when they always do that stupid lunge at you. What do character animations have to do with shooting?
The Irish guy that keeps talking to you is bloody annoying. So Now your judging the game on your personal racisms.
etc etc etc What, did you run out of time? Do you have another great game to dis, or are you just lazy?
I really think this is one of those examples of a game that is just completely over rated and yet everyone is buying into this hype. This game doesn't touch classics like Goldeneye, Halo or even the original Doom games in my opinion (in terms of sheer fun and game flow etc).
It does not deserve the scores it has been getting... Oh you are correct! Yes, out of56 professional reviews, all of them have a 360 bias, and are inflating the score because they own stock in 2K. And here I was thinking conspiracy theroys were dated.
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