Obsidian tries to put more roleplaying in their roleplaying games, Bioware has just been turning Dragon Age II into God of War minus the decent combat.
I headdesk everytime I read comments lke this,
It's funny you physically hurt yourself over internet comments.
where the hell are you people getting the info that DA2's combat is hack'n'slash, seriously ?
By playing it!
It seems everyone is jumping on the bash train just because others do...
No, it just that my opinion happens to be shared by many people.
I'm sure if DA2 was the exact same game it is now, and 99% of hermits loved it, you would love it.
No not really, I've spoken out against many games that hermits love i.e EVE Online
Anyway none of this was a rebuttal to my comments.
Fine, then let's try to rebut it. "BioWare has just been turning DA2 into GoW minus the decent combat" - By: Someone who hasn't played the game. You can't honestly tell me you played the game, and that is has hack'n'slash combat.
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