Well, for the first point, take a look at the PC vs console images of COD MW2below:
Consoles (360)
There is very little difference
You said consoles had, and I quote:
graphical aspects that rival/beat PC's best
However you show e a multiplat, where it's well known around here, that many use the same assets as the console versions and just have added resolution and AA/AF in certain cases. Games like RE5 use exactly the same assets across the console/PC and only mods are able to rectify it with things like higher resolution textures.
All you have managed to show is that they are using the same assets, which is a sign of the PC not being fully taken advantage of, due to multiplat development, high cost and time constraints.
If we were rivalling the PC's best, we'd be pitching console games against Crysis/Warhead, Cryostasis, Shattered Horizon, Total War series, ARMA II etc.
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