Fantastic game with spot on combat mechanics and terrific world building and art. BUT... fucking hell did they seriously drop the ball in some very important areas. Like... I'm shocked that some of this got passed the design phase.
Farming for blood vials and silver bullets:Why, why, WHY!!! Why isnt there a minimum quantity that refils after reviving at Hunters Dream/nearest lantern? What the **** is the purpose of making players farm for basic shit everytime they tackle a hard boss or area?
Not really a design flaw, more of a design choice. It was the same situation in DeS and honestly i don't mind a bit of grinding, if you want really quick Blood Vile port to the Witch's Abode lamp and kill the executioners and hags outside.
Lanterns dont refill health/ repopulateworld: No, you have to go through two fucking loading screens that go past the minute mark combined, by warping to Hunters Dream and warping back again to do this. Why?
Once again, design choice, not flaw.
Vendors only at HuntersDream: Same shit I said above. Ran out of vials, silver bullets and Molotovs? Well **** you good hunter, go look at 70 second loading screens to restock.
See above
Summoning costs Insight:Goddammit what the hell is this shit? Why is such a vital part of the "Souls" experience locked behing a price tag that demands seriously limited currency. Oh you're out of Insight outside of a boss battle? Well tough luck cuz summoning NPCs to help ALSO costs you insight. "Where is the nearest place to get more", well you kill the boss you needed help defeating of course. Genius!
Insight is incredibly easy to come by, in fact i was purposely buying stuff i didn't need at the Insight vendor just to keep mine low. And if for some bizarre reason you do run out, you can do a low tier Chalice Dungeon and get 3 per boss (bosses that die in a few hits).
Summoning items hidden behind Insight level cap:Oh btw they also cost Insight... what? Did I tell you Insight is a limited resource offered in very specific instances?
Abundant resource more like.
40 second loading screens: Something everyone hates, magnified by 400% due to how frequently the game forces you to watch this fucking logo branded 40+ second black screens EVEN if you're not dying a lot. If you are then well, I really do hope you like the logo.
Finally an actual flaw, yes the load times are incredibly irritating, there's supposedly a patch in the works to fix them but honestly i'm not holding my breath, it's something i've learned to put up with to play BB.
Shit randomized drops:Consumables, Consumables, Consumables, Consumables, Consumables, Consumables, Consumables, ZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzz......
Agreed, while i see why they have mobs drop so many consumables, i do miss seeing actual items drop from mobs (apart from gems).
Purists keep giving vast amounts of shit to Dark Souls 2 because of design decisions Myazaki would SUPPOSEDLY never make, and this is somehow getting a pass?
All of this crap adds up to a big design flaw that seriously hurts the flow of the game, because farming is now mandatory.
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