This isn't coming from the "git gud" MLG man-child sentiment, but you shouldn't complain for getting your ass kicked.
In Devil May Cry 1 and 3, you can die in 1-3 hits from a lot of things, even on normal difficulty. Additionally, healing items decrease your score in that game. The catch is that there is a way to play both games without taking serious damage.
Also, having a high level character doesn't make you good at the game. It means you've played for a while. You see, From Soft doesn't reward you for game time, something many gamers today can't comprehend with the degree of hand-holding in "games" today.
In the end, "when you choose to heal" is only a strategy you should have to implement for making mistakes, which you should avoid. Don't plan on getting hit.
I've been around for these series since Demons launched in Europe. I know what From asks of players and I never plan on getting hit.
Having zero consumable health is NOT the base experience From is offering though. You are SUPPOSED to have some vials. Its designed to punish when you get hit, but not to throw you in the world and ask that you travel between lanterns with just one health bar as standard difficulty.
There is litterally no excuse for locking basic stuff behind loading screens and killing off the minimum quantity respawn from Dark Souls with the estus system. Its the first "Souls" game that literally punishes the player with non progressing gameplay time when they run out of shit. Be it blood vials, bullets or Insight.
Says you. The entitled X number of estus flasks was only introduced in Dark Souls. And they did that because there was no home base to buy stuff. And if you're deep in the depths of say....Izalith, you needed some way to get health potions without backtracking to look for a vendor.
Demon's Souls, Dark Souls II, and now Bloodborne, all have consumable health refills. So it's more of a trend than an exception. Your assumption that it's NOT the base experience From was intending is clearly a crapshoot of an assumption.
The way I see it, you just suck so badly at the game and over-consume your blood vials to a degree that you're always out of them. Blood vials aren't even that tedious to farm. The stretch from Tomb of Oedon lamp backwards to Great Bridge (Cleric Beast area) can easily yield you 15 vials. There are 4 brick trolls, 2 werewolves, and 2 other hairy which each will drop 2 vials 80% of the time. The run takes 5 minutes. 30 vials in 10 minutes is too much of a chore?Ordo you consume 90 vials in half hour? If you do, get better at the game.
All who contest this should read the boldfaced sentences contained here.
Speaking on a broader level, it really boggles my mind that "gamers" here don't understand this. The game isn't going to hold your hand; virtually all actually challenging games in the past have not done this.
I really want to solidify the fact that you don't get a free pass just because you have been playing for a long time as well. I've seen people with more hours and matches than I have in some fighting games who implement strategy and execution with major flaws. Even I still need work on some things.
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