I anticipated it doing slightly better than this. It would be interesting to see how long the legs on it are, I'm hoping it will surpass 2 million lifetime sales.
This topic is locked from further discussion.
For comparison, Dark Souls 2 shipped 1.5 million in a month on 2 platforms with very large install bases. Bloodborne sold over 1 million in 12 days on an install base of 20.5 million. I'd say it's well on its way for 3 million+ sold lifetime.
Should also be getting DLC. Hopefully there's an E3 announcement.
I am totally nicking for DLC already. My wallet is ready.
Niche title. Niche title. Niche title. Niche title. Niche title. Niche title. Niche title. Niche title. Niche title. Niche title. Niche title. Niche title. Niche title. Niche title. Niche title. Niche title. Niche title. Niche title. Niche title. Niche title. Niche title. Niche title. Niche title. Niche title.
Am I doing it right?
No. Niche title + no games = great sales
90 more games than the Xbox, so far. Hate to see what you say about that system.
exclusive games...
Niche title. Niche title. Niche title. Niche title. Niche title. Niche title. Niche title. Niche title. Niche title. Niche title. Niche title. Niche title. Niche title. Niche title. Niche title. Niche title. Niche title. Niche title. Niche title. Niche title. Niche title. Niche title. Niche title. Niche title.
Am I doing it right?
No. Niche title + no games = great sales
90 more games than the Xbox, so far. Hate to see what you say about that system.
lmfao that shut them up.
bu-ubbub0bub0bub00b0bubbub-bu but souls games are always niche and will sell 1-2mill lifetime
In other words, at least in NA, BB won't be outselling the order. But it may still chart higher it depends on the actual numbers games got in march.
This is utter nonsense.
Honest question: Have you ever made a sales prediction that turned out to be correct?
Nothing nonsense about it use your brain.
390k in UK and Japan combined together. That leaves Europe and the couple of countries not in Europe bloodborne was released in BEFORE the 4th, Canada and the U.S.
In the countries that it released in Europe, for 2 straight weeks BB was number one.
Even if we exclude the couple of outside Euro/Japan countries since it won't be that much, that still leaves canada and the U.S. Canada I'm expecting 30-40k alone, maybe even more.
There's no way BB is doing 290k in NPD or more because the numbers don't add up no matter how you slice them. Germany and France alone will probably be 200k+ that's 590 and I'm not including ANY digital sales figures for Europe I'm going strictly retail.
Please tell me how it's nonsense? I know you're stupid but come on.
@TigerSuperman: I think I asked you this before. What's your story, what do you want us to know? What will be the story for the PS4 and Bloodborne in March sales wise? Do you think Xbox One will overshadow it?
And utterly pointless.... everybody knows multiplats are better on a gaming PC...... I'm assuming those who don't have one will be getting MKX on that instead.....
Bloodborne seems like its going to wind up like the rest of the gamrs before it...... theyl talk about it for a while then move on to something else.....
Like they did with The Order..... The Last Of Us Remastered......Killzone.......
Atleast every now and then I hear about Killer Instinct And Forza. But with the PS4 Its always whatever's coming and hardly about whats there.
I know you're stupid but come on.
Nonsense predictions, and then childish insults.
I just summed up your net contribution to this forum.
@TigerSuperman: They don't add because you don' want them to add. BB did 150k in Japan and less than 100k in UK (so far).
NO BB did 150k the first week in japan, are we excluding other weeks just because you want to now? Same goes for the UK, you do know that this is as of April 5th (5th) now right?
And during that time BB was number 1 in the european countries it released at that time for 2 or one weeks depending on the country. And that's not including digital numbers.
Then you have ROTW Plus Canada, and NZ.AT which I don't lump in with Europe. Which you need to include hard and digital sales for all of those.
Numbers don't add up. If say for example we look at some crazies on here thinking 350k-400k from the U.S.
Well let's look, 1 million minus 350k is 650,000.
We can already at the least take off 250k from that. That's 400k left.
We still have Germany, italy, Spain Greece, France, Russia, Nordic, Scanda, ireland+china+ROTW+Australia+NewZealand+Canada
And all that will only equal 400k? Sounds like some fairy tales to me.
20-40k for Canada alone drops that to 370-360k, Germany will be over or around 100k at the least, and then you have 30-50k for the other European countries for the 2 weeks or one week depending on the country.
The smaller european countries plus spain will likely do another 30-40k.
The numbers don't add up. Even with 300k, the numbers don't add up, more believable but they don't add up.
And keep in mind I'm not even looking at digital sales at these places either. For example, NPD canada doesn't track digital sales just like NPD U.S., so that 30-40k could be EVEN more.
Niche title. Niche title. Niche title. Niche title. Niche title. Niche title. Niche title. Niche title. Niche title. Niche title. Niche title. Niche title. Niche title. Niche title. Niche title. Niche title. Niche title. Niche title. Niche title. Niche title. Niche title. Niche title. Niche title. Niche title.
Am I doing it right?
No. Niche title + no games = great sales
90 more games than the Xbox, so far. Hate to see what you say about that system.
Sure quantity > quality ;)
Actually 1 million isn't impressive at all. There are more than 20 million consoles, while Titanfall for Xbox One sold 480k copies in the US alone after the first weeks. Knowing that there were only max 5mil xbox one consoles, it did much better.Titanfall > Bloodborne
@TigerSuperman: I think I asked you this before. What's your story, what do you want us to know? What will be the story for the PS4 and Bloodborne in March sales wise? Do you think Xbox One will overshadow it?
I have no idea what your saying, but my point here is that The Order>Bloodborne at least in the U.S. NPD, is highly likely.
I know you're stupid but come on.
Nonsense predictions, and then childish insults.
I just summed up your net contribution to this forum.
ODD you do the bottom quite well, add stalking and not actually having discussions and just trolling to your list as well. Self ownage around here is pretty high. Begone with you.
And utterly pointless.... everybody knows multiplats are better on a gaming PC...... I'm assuming those who don't have one will be getting MKX on that instead.....
Bloodborne seems like its going to wind up like the rest of the gamrs before it...... theyl talk about it for a while then move on to something else.....
Like they did with The Order..... The Last Of Us Remastered......Killzone.......
Atleast every now and then I hear about Killer Instinct And Forza. But with the PS4 Its always whatever's coming and hardly about whats there.
If that's the case then there's nothing to buy on X1 or WiiU either, :D
I have a gaming PC but I'm getting MK X on PS4 :D
And moving on is normal on all platforms of gaming. As a whole gamers don't stick with 1 game for too long as there is just so many games to buy these days and they are constantly coming out.
Good for From Software, but I don't play the "it deserves it" bullshit. There is no deserve, it either sells or it doesn't based on whether people want to play it or not.
@TigerSuperman: They don't add because you don' want them to add. BB did 150k175.177k in Japan and less than 100k73,842k in UK (so far).
Edit: Corrected numbers.
This doesn't change my recent above post where I basically used a low number that basically equals this exact same thing leaving 400k left for everyone outside the U.>, UK, and Japan. Highly unlikely for 300K impossible for more than 360k.
ODD you do the bottom quite well, add stalking and not actually having discussions and just trolling to your list as well.
Is that even English? I have no idea what you're trying to say.
Fantastic performance for a niche title, I hope his game opens the eyes of many gamers about how there are smarter gameplay experiences out there. Just be careful who you recommend this game to, it is certainly not for everybody. My friend got sick of Dark Souls(dying over and over) after a few hours with it, a game he got based on my glowing recommendations and the fact that it is critically acclaimed, but alas this does not translate into enjoyment for many people it seems.
(Your very slow as your edits don't seem to notice I posted after that first one. and then gave an in depth example of your your nonsense doesn't work and still doesn't below)
@TigerSuperman: So what you're saying is that your pulling ever changing numbers from your ass? Alrighty then. Not factual evidence at all. No wonder your predictions fail constantly.
Huh the numbers you posted are fake?
It's not a fact that 1 million minus 250k is 750k?
It's not a fact that if we use your imaginary 400k in u.s. NPD for bllodbrone number it would be only 350k for the ROTW outside of japan and the UK?
You're clearly insane.
350k in all those countries only?
@TigerSuperman: Refer to any post where I mentoned any NPD sales. Please, go on. I merely mentioned that your numbers didn't add up because they were wrong. UK+ JP didn't account for 390k of those sales, period.
Of which you ignored all other posts. So it doesn't really matter. Especially sicne you were wrong also and have no room to open your motuh initially.
My numbers still round to the same thing, and my point still stands, The Order>Bloodborne in U.S. NPD extremely likely.
even with 300k, it's1 million - 250l which is 750,000k.
Minus 300k, is 450k.
While that's more believable it still seems unlike has we still have Europe, ROTW, Aut, NZ, and Canada.
@TigerSuperman: The fact that you keep changing your numbers is reason enough to not believe them. But do carry on.
My numbers haven't changes, they literally end the same way, and considering you posted wrong number before youe dited I suggest you keep quiet as your not helping yourself.
Don't believe me if you wish, but the numbers YOU gave and believe was used in the above math so this is nothing more than DC from you at this point.
Again YOUR 250kish number minus 1 million is 750,000 fact. Japan and UK numbers
For the people that believe 300k, that would only leave 450k world wide.
For people that believe 350k that would leave 400k world wide.
For people that believe 400k, that would leave 350k world wide. These are factual subtractions based on my 250k before you found the real numbers (assuming they are correct) and you cemented later.
My point makes perfect sense. There's no changing here, the end results were always the same.
How much do you believe bloodborne will sell in U.S. Npd? Because so far most predictions look crazy.
The plan for world domination is coming along nicely.
Soon, not even Superman will be able to stop us.
Funny to see Sony Fan fall over themselves for a glorified sequel sell a million units. I still remember Sony Fan dogging TitanGreatness for barely clearing a million as a new IP.
It's not a SW sales thread until we get a salty post from at least one of our resident Xbox fanchildren.
My numbers haven't changes, they literally end the same way, and considering you posted wrong number before youe dited I suggest you keep quiet as your not helping yourself.
Have you ever read one of your own posts back to yourself? They're like google voice mail transcripts.
How do these numbers compare to the Souls games?
Meanwhile, it just got +1 sale from me.
DaS2 Sold 300k in the first 3 weeks in japan. It shipped 1.2 million in the same time frame in the west. So around 900k-1M in 3 weeks ww vs 1M in 2 weeks for bloodborne.
it's about what i expected. Best selling "souls" game so far.
Obviously that exclusivity will mean less sales over time.
NyaDC fail. Again.
First it was "70s on Metacritic guys, people are sick of the 'same old' game".. lol nope.
Then it was "800,000 LIFETIME sales guys, nobody likes this shit!".. lol nope.
Of course he's been planting the seeds of preemptive damage control all along. "Bu, bu, but everybody traded it in, everyone bought it on hype alone and didn't really like it... seriously guyz! I looked on Craigslist!"
No matter the final numbers he'll pull off the mental gymnastics to "prove" that only a handful of people actually bought the game and enjoyed it.
@TigerSuperman: You changed your numbers some 3 times already. First it was over 300k, then 390k, now after being corrected 250k. And your telling us your math turns out the same every time?
Man, you had one lousy teacher. Yes, we all know 1.000.000-250.000= 750.000, no need to repeat it ad infinitum.
@ConanTheStoner: I remembered seeing someone say that it will sell 800k lifetime, doesn't surprise me it was NyaDC. My favorite was him saying something along the lines of only 1% of people care about the game.
In other news: Incoming update to reduce load times and improve performance
@ConanTheStoner: I remembered seeing someone say that it will sell 800k lifetime, doesn't surprise me it was NyaDC.
In other news: Incoming update to reduce load times and improve performance
Yeah man, I usually don't even care for sales talk, but that prediction was just too damn absurd. Like somehow after years of building up a core fanbase, the most heavily marketed 'Souls' title is going to sell the least. Makes no sense.
And that's awesome news on the update man! Luckily I haven't started Bloodborne yet, been too busy with Pillars. Glad I waited if the experience will be improved.
@TigerSuperman: You changed your numbers some 3 times already. First it was over 300k, then 390k, now after being corrected 250k. And your telling us your math turns out the same every time?
Man, you had one lousy teacher. Yes, we all know 1.000.000-250.000= 750.000, no need to repeat it ad infinitum.
Again the end numbers never changed why are you still Damage controlling.
And also I did 350k before you put your numbers, thos shows you don't know how to read either. In that long post up above I clearly say 250k, again the end numbers have never changed.
The result was always going to be BB being 300k-400k in the U<S was going to leave only 350k-450k world wide. And it doesn't make sense. This nver changed.
Again Bloodborne highly likely sold less than the order. Feel freer to debate the actual topic instead of Dcing and pretending you corrected me. If you don't agree feel free to tell me why you think that only 350-450k copies of Bloodborne sold ww outside of Japan, NA, and UK. Makes no sense sir.
@ConanTheStoner: The only real annoying thing are the loadings, which probably won't be much improved :P Likely has to do with how the engine works and interacts with the game objects. I mean, I suppose if they find redundant stuff they can cut it out, but I don't see this going from 40 seconds to say, 2-3 seconds per loading.
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