@kuu2 said:
@FastRobby said:
@kuu2 said:
@Dire_Weasel said:
It's not a SW sales thread until we get a salty post from at least one of our resident Xbox fanchildren.
Or Sony Fan started threads after 24 hours talking about how Titanfall was a sales failure because it hadn't sold a million in the first day. Yet here Sony Fan is talking about a million after 12 days.
Sony Fan continue to be the clowns of SW.
Not to mention there were only 5mil Xbox One's at the moment, maybe even less. While there are 20mil PS4's...
Just remember, one million units shifted in 12 days is amazing with an install base of 20 million, while a million shifted units in a month by a new IP with an install base of 5 million is LOL...........
LMAO, you are a clown.
They didn't even publish sole xbone numbers for the game, that is what you lems hyped it for. News Flash, Titanfall was multiplatform from the jump and they ALWAYS showed cumlutive numbers for the game PC/xbone or PC/xbone/360 You dumb lem.
You guys hyped it to be a COD level multi-million, console selling, maga hit wonder of the new generation THAT is why it flopped, couldn't even reach a 9.0 on MC.
Again, Titanflop didn't sell a mil on xbone in that time and that is what clown lems were hyping it for. Bloodborne is a real exclusive that moved a million while in 12 day while TF was multiplat from the jump and still couldn't do it! Tell me lem, what is the install base of PC? keh.
haha the damage control and salt it EPIC.
Lems: "bu but it's not that impressive (COD level hyped, multiplatform, 30 million dollar marketing campaign) Titanfall moved a mil in a month!"
Please tell us more lems...tell us more :D
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