Trying moving data from one television to anotherMisterEngilsh
I can push a button on any screen in my home and view anything I want instantly. Might I add that this occurs *wirelessly* to put the icing on the cake? Can you access thousands of TV shows, movies, and clips instantly from your couch, without ever putting in a disc?
If your hard drive is damaged, you lose all your moviesMisterEngilsh
That would only be true if we existed in some magical fantasy universe where the only copy of each movie in existance resides on *your personal hard drive*. The tens of thousands of terabytes of music and movie data out there are stored in multiple locations - the majority of movie and TV services uses instant streaming.
That means while you can cache the content for personal storage, you don't have to - your ability to view that content would be unaffected by personal hard drive failure - oh, and any content you would like begins playing *instantly* the moment you queue it up - no wait, no "it's downloading" - push and play.
If your DVD gets scratched badly, tough cookies, you're out of luck. If my house is leveled by a meteor, no problem, my movie, music, and TV collections are still intact.
DD is anti-consumer. Plain and simple.MisterEngilsh
Yes, something that allows me to download rather than driving to the store, gives me access to a digital backup copy of my data, allows me to instantly stream movies, TV shows, and music, and gives content producers access to their customers without having to get approval from multi-billion dollar publishers is CLEARLY anti-consumer.
We should only view content which has been approved for mass-consumption by the big corporations, screened by the FCC, censored, rated, and test-marketed. :|
Digital distribution is the most pro-consumer technology in existance. It cuts out the middle men (retail, traditional publishing / production, marketing) creates an even playing field where content rules, encourages healthy competition, allows content-consumers closer access to content-creators, lowers costs, allows sharing of entertainment across devices, and puts you content in a format that is device / OS / platform independant - rather than giving you yet another format, limited player, etc that will wind up in th garage.
DD is the future - and it's not because Samsung said so, and NO the people vouching for it aren't 360 fanboys - PC fans were the first to explain how digital would be the future. People argued - and then this generation EVERYONE realized they were right, with Wiiware, PSN, and XBLA - funny how that worked out - but it's not the point. Unless you're arguing that you'll never used YouTube, that HULU is a terrible idea, that AdultSwimFix is a "ripoff" and that somehow a future where we get tons of movies, tv shows, music, and some developers have even said *games* for free (the death of TV / movie theaters/ newspapers / etc has left them looking for a way to advertise, and that means big bucks ten years from now) is somehow a "ripoff"?
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