Pixel Junk isn't that bad. Eden only has that damn clock holding it back from greatness, Monsters is highly addictive, but has so much trial and error gameplay that it makes Splinter Cell blush. Also, seven something be damned, Stardust is concentrated awesome, with a twist of win. They also tend to have more full games on the PSN, Warhawk, GT5P, and Siren. But what holds PSN back more than anything is a lack of consistency. They don't seem to have a real gameplan, and the differences between regions in terms of games available is really stupid, (why is dark mist, a game fully translated into English, available in the EU and Japan, but not here?) and the absolute lack of classic games outside Japan is mind numbing.
I'm buying all of the summer arcade titles, but on PSN, fairly often, I go months without a single purchase. I got PAIN the other week, but only because they dropped it to five bucks. I know they use the quality over quantity mantra, but so did Nintendo with the N64, and just like back then, it's just an excuse. (not to mention that like with the N64, their competition actually has them beaten in both quantity AND quality)
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