[QUOTE="Bgrngod"] I am so stunned right now. I recently went through the hell that is MS's support, and had to fork over the $140 to get my 360 replaced by a refurb. I have felt nothing but anger at my 360 ever since, and haven't even played any games on the new one (watched a few DVD's so far). Walking through the games section made me feel ill with anger anytime I passed the 360 games. I haven't bought any new 360 games in a long time.
This admission by MS is one huge apology to everyone that has suffered through the red lights of death. Yes they screwed up, but finally fessing up, and FIXING the problem is the right thing. We can argue about how long it took them to do so, and how they went about it all day long. That doesn't really matter to me. The fact that they ARE apologizing is what counts.
I am all smiles right now. I haven't felt this happy about anything related to 360 since I brought home Gears of War.
Thank you MS. Thank you for finally doing the right thing by your customers. You failed many of us for a LONG time, but this is sufficient to rectify that problem. Apology accepted.
Last time they said they'd be sending back refunds for repairs. You may be included in that, so pay attention in the coming weeks.
This can't be good for Microsoft, though. It's costing them $1 billion this year, and that's in addition to the other two years they extended the warranty.
Just saying, don't expect a price cut any time soon. They're losing every cent of profit they make on a 360 sale to hardware repair.
The article I read specifically mentioned that refunds would be occuring for anyone that had the 3 red lights issue. So yeah I ammost definitely expecting my money back. I will probably buy some games with it too.
And that $1 billion lost is just for the QUARTER, not the year. (so says the Gamespot article).
This is definitely GOOD for MS. Sure they are taking a huge quarterly loss, but this is such good PR that it will turn out good for them in the long run. They may not recoup all that $1 billion, but at least this puts them in good favor with their customers, myself included, and will result in continued support from them.
From my point of view, this is a complete reversal of all the crap they have put me through since my 360 died. I am really really happy about this. It's really nice, and shocking, to see a company make a decision like this. I am absolutely stunned... still.
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