@jg4xchamp said:
Remasters don't actually bother me, because I can skip them.
It's the lack of interesting exclusives that aren't Bloodborne for this machine from it's launch in 2013 to I'm guessing something actually good in 2016 that is ridiculous. Guilty Gear I could have gotten on my PS3, Resogun is cool, it's not buying a console cool, Infamous sucks, Killzone was average at best, and Little Big Planet 3 is likeable if you like level editors, but the actual playing it part sucks because that series has always had bad mechanics.
2 years= 1 exclusive worth a damn, and apologist excuse is "duh the WiiU and Xbox One suck"...because apparently all the consoles suck is a defense for this.
Next year when this system actually starts getting things like a The Last Guardian, Uncharted 4, like a Horizon, that Dreams game I can see being a bit more favorable to the system, as is? Yoshida's department is slacking.
1st party games (or any big budget game) takes time to make. It seems like people like you would rather them rush a game to market than you can complain about it being crap.. Things take time. Just because you didn't like some of the games doesn't mean everyone did. I can say the same thing you just did about all the xbone exclusives (halo, forza, sunset overrdrive) doesn't mean I am right, as I am sure other people like them. Just like there are people who like infamous, drive club, killzone etc..
What you think is "worth a damn" is subjective. Most people in the real world don't care what is exclusive or first party, as most people don't own multiple consoles.
Even going with the "Exclusive" narrative... Sony still has a lot of exclusives for 2015
The OrderBloodborne
MLB the show
Samurai Warriors 4-2
Until Dawn
Dragon Quest Heroes
Persona 5
Disgaea 5
Tales of Zestria
Everybody's Gone to the Rapture
Tearaway Unfolded
Uncharted Collection
Gow3 remaster
(yes you can play uncharted games on ps3 and mlb the show..but really who cares, and no one with a ps4 will be buying to play them on ps3)
That's a lot of games and I left out indies like axiom verge and rocket league etc.. Just because you don't like them doesn't mean shit. Other people have opinions too.. Like I said I can say halo, gears, forza is all crap... I and I am right for myself, but others like them so it can't be taken at face value.
How is it that Halo 5, Froza 6, and Gears hd can be said to be a bigger lineup than all i listed. It's not and everything is subjective.
For me being able to get dying light, bloodborn, Dragon quest heroes, persona 5, witcher 3, disgaea 5, FFx remake, ff type 0, Tropico 5, Batman, MGS5, Fallout 4, Battlefront 3, Uncharted collection, Until dawn, Divinity original sin redone, Tales of zestria, everyones gone to rapture, Samuari warriors 4-2, new hitman, just cause 3, ac syndicate, etc... is a huge list of games for 2015 and will kill my wallet.
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