@Samus3D said:
Are Rime, the Tomorrow Children, Drawn to Death, I Am Bread, etc. moderately high budgeted retail titles?
Do you know the budget for those games.? Link please so i can confirm they are lower than scalebound and other xbox one games which i know you also don't know what the budget are either.
@ShoTTyMcNaDeS said:
WTF are you talking about??? The X1 didn't LOSE Black Ops 3! MS lost getting DLC first for Black Ops 3 to Sony. Its a multiplat game you retard!!!! I think maybe you should spend less time gaming and on gaming forums and find a way to get help for your obvious lack of intelligence!!!
Some one is angry...lol
They loss content that for a full generation was associated with the xbox brand first,funny how lemmings last gen use to brad about those maps first,as some kind of huge weapon,i still remember by counter arguments like .
Meh who cares it would be on PS3 next month.
Or lemming get to be rip off first...lol
My stance hasn't change now we get rip off first and yes they will be a month latter on xbox one so meh.
The difference is you lemmings hyped that shit and now pretend is nothing which is sad and show that you are like MS has been with the xbox one the 180 company.
I could care less but i know for fact this move enraged some very hardcore lemmings which were use to those maps first..
@thedork_knight said:
I asked what games elevate the ps4 above the xbo, and you gave me a list of multiplats. So not a reason to get a PS4 but a reason why i should stick with my ps3.
It might have more games rated over 70 but if only 1/2 games are actually any good isnt good reading and doesnt prove that the console is worth buying, especially if most of its games are multiplats
So what is the highest rated exclusive on xbox one.?
What exclusive so far the xbox has release in the first 6 month of this year.?
Does the xbox one has a 90 or better game decided by the majority of the sites on the net,even if it is on xbox one and PC and not PS4.?
There are more games over 80% on PS4 that are not on xbox one that the other way around.
Halo MCC multi.
Forza Horizon Multi.
That leave Sunset over drive which scored like 80 and was release on October last year.
This year.
Tomb Raider multi.
Fable Multi
Gears collection Multi.
Funny how multies count only on xbox..lol
@-God- said:
Sifting through the bullshit, all I saw was Recore.
Isn't that an indy?
Is not that which bother me,is how similar is Recore to scalebound announcement.
Nothing but CG with not a fu**ing ounce of gameplay shown and lemming are all over that shit,hell it has other similarities on the trailer to.
Loner guy with a Dragon.
Loner girl with a Robot.
Both with attitude to fight and both having a helper is extremely generic.
Yet some how they are AAA and they haven't fu**ING see 1 second of gameplay..lol
@GarGx1 said:
As we've been told a million times in SW (I'm not even sure that's an exaggeration?) loads of people don't want PC because..... [insert reason] Also according to SW, PC is not in competition with consoles. Something to do with so many games appearing on one console and PC (console exclusives)
I do sort of agree with some of the "I don't want a PC" arguments. Well maybe not agree but more understand. PC is generally seen as (and somewhat is) an enthusiasts platform. You have to be willing to invest more time, and money if you're doing it right, into PC gaming than consoles and there is a huge market of people out there who don't fit that bill but want to play the latest AAA games.
Microsoft should absolutely support PC with MS first party games, in fact if they had any sense (and at the moment I think they do) they would be trying to integrate PC and Xbox into a mutually supporting system. After all they make Windows (worth billions more than Xbox) and windows runs a huge majority of PC's in the world today. The fact that they don't is one of the most baffling business models I can think of. Who makes their own company competition for themselves?
Gen why the fu** would any one need an xbox one for.? If you can get all PS4 exclusive on PC what the fu** would any one care for it,and PC is not a MS platform like the xbox,PC is an open market sony had done games for year on PC.
@delta3074 said:
'i own both of them an xbone is the worst one its microsoft own fault for this the no games and then worse hardware and the weirdass ui for windows phone on it everything bout it man is just awful.'
All of which is juts your opinion, do us a ll a favour and:
1)stop passing off your opinions as fact
2)stop posting as if you talk for everyone, you don't.
'worse hardware'
Ps1 =Not the most powerful console of it's generation
Ps2=Not the most powerful console of it's generation
Wii=Not the most powerful console of it's generation
i rest my case.
The PS1 was weaker than the saturn but the saturn difficulty keep it from shinning,most games ended looking alike the N64 arrived in 1996 the other 2 on 1994,it wasn't like Nintendo was day 1 there,like it is this gen,and regardless of how powerful or weak the PS1 would have won,since power wasn't its main weapon.
The PS2 was weaker for the same reason the xbox and GC arrived 20 months after it almost 2 years not is not like MS and Nintendo were there on day 1,just like sony wasn't on day 1 of the DC when the gen started on 1998 so sony had more time to put more power,but again been more powerful or not it was destine to win.
And the same with the wii which sold on a gimmick and was able to capitalize on other consoles been more expensive the PS3 was from $250 to $350 more expensive than the wii and the xbox 360 from $50 to $150 and neither had motion like the wii.
So regardless of how powerful they were if they were the most powerful the faith would have been the same,it was a combination of games and timing what did it.
By the time the xbox and GC arrived sony was close to 25 million units sold,no matter how powerful or weak you are with the cheer volume of games the PS2 was pumping it would be impossible for the competition to win.
@cainetao11 said:
If you don't like what we know or have seen about Quantum Break, Scalebound, Crackdown, Ashen, Recore, Cuphead, Sea of Tieves then no there isn't anything for you. But to act like there aren't new games coming is ridiculous.
What have you see of crackdown,Scalebound and Recore.?
CG,CG,CG not a single second of gameplay from those 3 games has been shown,how can people be exited about a game they know nothing about,in Crackdown case we already know how the game is,the first one was a good game i had it but nothing out of the ordinary or most have,and the second one was terrible.
Ashen and Sea of thieves are not even exclusives you people should make up your mind does FF7 count or it doesn't,because those 2 i name now are also for PC,and you people downplayed sony megatons as been multi..
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