They didn't mention Epic, they were just talking them selves up, i'd say the same about my company (if I had one), if I were asked.
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They didn't mention Epic, they were just talking them selves up, i'd say the same about my company (if I had one), if I were asked.
Epic > Bungie, period.IronBassSomeone has an appointment with my failbat lol :P In all seriousness I just never really got into gears, esp MP, although I did enjoy the multiplayer horde mode in 2.
[QUOTE="jg4xchamp"][QUOTE="IronBass"]Epic > Bungie, period.IronBasspfft not in this lifetime Gears of War > Halo :o Actually : Gears of War = Halo Epic = Bungie Both make great games, that are only on the 360. Even though the games play different from each other, one has it for gameplay the other for graphics and both make a great experience.
Epic don't even know how to make a good game. Gears 2 is basically Gears expansion.CookigakiI wouldnt say an expansion but epic picked up the ball with a bit more of a story and gameplay. I mean now im some what more interested in the next gears game unline I was with Gears 1. I mean did anybody else have the feeling they were last people on the planet?
I just read the article and that has been taken far far far out of context. i mean common seriously? one employee said it out of stupidity and in some stupid magwalkingdreamThat's freedom of the press for ya. Although we're not press, out of context = sexy story and that's what the human ego wants, not truth.
I would rather play Gears of war 3 than Halo 4 , I feel burnt out on Halo. Maybe if they put decent campaigns in Halo 2 and 3 I would have a different opinion on the franchise. To me it's gone downhill since the first game which was one of the best FPS I've played on any platform. Sure they've added a whole bunch of stuff to the sequels, problem is most of it doesn't interest me. What I wanted most was a decent campaign in Halo 3, I didn't get that so don't really care for Halo anymore. They didn't learn from the mistakes they made with the second game which also had a terrible campaign.
I was a big fan of Halo but would now take Gears or Modern Warfare over it any day.
I agree with Bungie, Bungie actually listens to its fans and what they have to say. Halo 2 was the most unballanced, glitch, cheat, and mod fest. Halo 3 has very few glitches, cheaters and modders are banned permantly ect. Epic on the other hand..Gears of War had many bugs, glitches, and ballance issues. All of the bugs, glitches, and some of the ballance issues are present and more in Gears of War 2. Now when the Gears community spoke out about Gears of War 2 did Epic acknowledge there were problems with the games and say "We are working on it" no...they threw a $10 map pack in our face and said "He are some more maps to lag, glitch, and cheat on!".
Anyway I can't wait for their new IP but seeing as Halo: 3 ODST and Halo: Reach are in the works right now, this new IP is still probably in stage 1 of the development process and we proabably won't see it until 2012, possible on the next generation Xbox. I wounder what it is too?
[QUOTE="Al3x_n90"][QUOTE="jg4xchamp"] oh god imagne the mixture of the cheesy lines from Gears of War...mixed with some of the cheesy lines in halo 3(*cocks gun* "TO WAR"*) ugh....that just sent a cold shiver down my spine :(jg4xchamp
MC sawing locust while screaming "oh Sh**!" 8)
Chief- Come on Arbiter I'm looking for Cortona. CORTONAAAA!!!! Arbiter- "LOOK AT ALL THAT PLASMA" yeah...they could totally put the gears of war script into a Halo universe :P LMAO. That was Funny. I imagined the Cole Train voicing the Arbiter when reading that and I just couldn't stop laughing.[QUOTE="jg4xchamp"][QUOTE="Al3x_n90"]Chief- Come on Arbiter I'm looking for Cortona. CORTONAAAA!!!! Arbiter- "LOOK AT ALL THAT PLASMA" yeah...they could totally put the gears of war script into a Halo universe :P LMAO. That was Funny. I imagined the Cole Train voicing the Arbiter when reading that and I just couldn't stop laughing.Lol I love this argument. This is how system wars should beMC sawing locust while screaming "oh Sh**!" 8)
yeah Bungie can atleast get their games to run online, and acutally work without the most insane bullet lag, and just lag in general in a console game
i gotta say that i think epic=bungie but epic gives me a more fun story gameplay but bungie gives me a more epic story so they are =
They never stated they're better than Epic directly. That was Kotaku's "response" per say.
As for the new IP, this wasn't surprising. A while back in one of their Weekly Updates (don't feel like digging), they mentioned working on three projects, some familiar, and some not. Well, we know that two of them are Halo 3: ODST and Halo: Reach, so that leaves us with one that must be something new.
I didnt know Killzone 2 scored higher than a 9.5.Come on people we know already that Killzone 2 > everything else....
This is pretty much a Halo vs Unreal + Gears Of War thread...and yeah Halo > Gears Of War.
Although, Epic on PC use to be pretty amazing. And Unreal 3 PC is pretty good still, no Halo 3 though.
Does anyone else notice this articles is from NOVEMBER 2007!! I REPEAT!! NOVEMBER 2007!!!!!!!!!!-RocBoys9489-
OP... clown confirmed
Bungie is a more consistant dev, but they need to learn how to expand their library of games. Its been how many years and they are finally making a game besides halo? I would defend epic, but they have lost what they once had, their engine is garbage, only 2 games have used it well mirrors edge and bioshock, they ruined UT, ut3 was the biggest dissapointment in awhile, and gears of war is not nearly as good as people make it out to be, its a good game, but its AA quality. I will take bungie over epic regardless of me only owning halo 1 for PC, halo is a great game that they havent messed up yet, epic just knows how to mess things up.
[QUOTE="jg4xchamp"]but hey atleast epic can make good graphics, lord knows they can't have good network coding for there games ;)IronBassIt was patched and now it is a lot of fun
Wow, it's still broken. Gears is the reason XBL has a bad name. Everyone thinks of "host advantage" and assumes host is godlike, but that's only in Gears. People think all games on XBL lag when most of them don't, it's Epic and their horrible netcoding that was done by a 4 year old.
Gears of War fails so hard words can't even describe it. Everyone's just looking for a "Halo killer" and it has graphics, the perfect combination for a consolite. Gameplay doesn't matter anymore.
They stumble onto a good gameplay system with Gears and rather than making a quality game they made the worst game I have ever bought. I can't sit and play for more than half an hour at a time before rage quiting
Epic has pretty much no talent as a developer.
Gears of War is completely uninspired, the only original feature was the great cover system.
The single player is linear and boring, with a terrible plot.
The multiplayer has 0 balance and is filled with glitches and terrible matchmaking.
So yea, Bungie is miles better than Epic, but most devs are so that's not saying much.
Well Gears 1 & 2 >>>>>>>> Halo 3.
We probably are'nt going to be seeing this new ip for at least a year as well soI say Epic is definately ahead of bungie this gen and will be for some time.
Not to mention Epic is the one with the engine that supports 40% of the industry's games.
I hope there is a response. Oh Cliffy B, don't let me down! :(
I would rather play Gears of war 3 than Halo 4 , I feel burnt out on Halo. Maybe if they put decent campaigns in Halo 2 and 3 I would have a different opinion on the franchise. To me it's gone downhill since the first game which was one of the best FPS I've played on any platform. Sure they've added a whole bunch of stuff to the sequels, problem is most of it doesn't interest me. What I wanted most was a decent campaign in Halo 3, I didn't get that so don't really care for Halo anymore. They didn't learn from the mistakes they made with the second game which also had a terrible campaign.
I was a big fan of Halo but would now take Gears or Modern Warfare over it any day.
What was wrtong with Halo 2's campaign? I ask and no one can ever give me logical reasons.I would rather play Gears of war 3 than Halo 4 , I feel burnt out on Halo. Maybe if they put decent campaigns in Halo 2 and 3 I would have a different opinion on the franchise. To me it's gone downhill since the first game which was one of the best FPS I've played on any platform. Sure they've added a whole bunch of stuff to the sequels, problem is most of it doesn't interest me. What I wanted most was a decent campaign in Halo 3, I didn't get that so don't really care for Halo anymore. They didn't learn from the mistakes they made with the second game which also had a terrible campaign.
I was a big fan of Halo but would now take Gears or Modern Warfare over it any day.
What was wrtong with Halo 2's campaign? I ask and no one can ever give me logical reasons. It wasn't that bad, but if you were around at the time it was hyped to be amazing and beyond Half Life 2 Sp. Plus their was that awesome E3 Single Player level that looked awesome, but didn't ship with the game.[QUOTE="Doomguy_75"]What was wrtong with Halo 2's campaign? I ask and no one can ever give me logical reasons.I would rather play Gears of war 3 than Halo 4 , I feel burnt out on Halo. Maybe if they put decent campaigns in Halo 2 and 3 I would have a different opinion on the franchise. To me it's gone downhill since the first game which was one of the best FPS I've played on any platform. Sure they've added a whole bunch of stuff to the sequels, problem is most of it doesn't interest me. What I wanted most was a decent campaign in Halo 3, I didn't get that so don't really care for Halo anymore. They didn't learn from the mistakes they made with the second game which also had a terrible campaign.
I was a big fan of Halo but would now take Gears or Modern Warfare over it any day.
Call it the "X factor" or call it the extra 10% polish, but Halo 2's campaign didn't have it. Bungie didn't know what they were doing until one year out from the game's release, and it shows. Also, when you have a marketing campaign with the taglines such as "Earth Will Never Be the Same" and "Earth doesn't need a Hero. It needs a Savior", and have 85% of the campaign on another Halo, then I think people have a right to complain.
It was patched and now it is a lot of fun[QUOTE="IronBass"][QUOTE="jg4xchamp"]but hey atleast epic can make good graphics, lord knows they can't have good network coding for there games ;)RobisGodly
Wow, it's still broken. Gears is the reason XBL has a bad name. Everyone thinks of "host advantage" and assumes host is godlike, but that's only in Gears. People think all games on XBL lag when most of them don't, it's Epic and their horrible netcoding that was done by a 4 year old.
Gears of War fails so hard words can't even describe it. Everyone's just looking for a "Halo killer" and it has graphics, the perfect combination for a consolite. Gameplay doesn't matter anymore.
It's still a very, very fun game, both on and offline.What was wrtong with Halo 2's campaign? I ask and no one can ever give me logical reasons.[QUOTE="TheGrat1"][QUOTE="Doomguy_75"]
I would rather play Gears of war 3 than Halo 4 , I feel burnt out on Halo. Maybe if they put decent campaigns in Halo 2 and 3 I would have a different opinion on the franchise. To me it's gone downhill since the first game which was one of the best FPS I've played on any platform. Sure they've added a whole bunch of stuff to the sequels, problem is most of it doesn't interest me. What I wanted most was a decent campaign in Halo 3, I didn't get that so don't really care for Halo anymore. They didn't learn from the mistakes they made with the second game which also had a terrible campaign.
I was a big fan of Halo but would now take Gears or Modern Warfare over it any day.
Call it the "X factor" or call it the extra 10% polish, but Halo 2's campaign didn't have it. Bungie didn't know what they were doing until one year out from the game's release, and it shows. Also, when you have a marketing campaign with the taglines such as "Earth Will Never Be the Same" and "Earth doesn't need a Hero. It needs a Savior", and have 85% of the campaign on another Halo, then I think people have a right to complain.
Honestly I think it shows that its direction was rather odd from the core, though the polish was as good as what you would expect from such an IP; though I agree.[QUOTE="TheGrat1"][QUOTE="Doomguy_75"]
I would rather play Gears of war 3 than Halo 4 , I feel burnt out on Halo. Maybe if they put decent campaigns in Halo 2 and 3 I would have a different opinion on the franchise. To me it's gone downhill since the first game which was one of the best FPS I've played on any platform. Sure they've added a whole bunch of stuff to the sequels, problem is most of it doesn't interest me. What I wanted most was a decent campaign in Halo 3, I didn't get that so don't really care for Halo anymore. They didn't learn from the mistakes they made with the second game which also had a terrible campaign.
I was a big fan of Halo but would now take Gears or Modern Warfare over it any day.
What was wrtong with Halo 2's campaign? I ask and no one can ever give me logical reasons.Call it the "X factor" or call it the extra 10% polish, but Halo 2's campaign didn't have it. Bungie didn't know what they were doing until one year out from the game's release, and it shows. Also, when you have a marketing campaign with the taglines such as "Earth Will Never Be the Same" and "Earth doesn't need a Hero. It needs a Savior", and have 85% of the campaign on another Halo, then I think people have a right to complain.
I guess its a good thing I was never sucked into the hype, then. I played the game and enjoyed the hell out of the sp. None of the things you listed made the level design any worse, the Arbiter any less of a character, or the bosses any worse. If Halo 2 did'nt have an "X factor" then Halo 3 definately did'nt have it. That game single-handedly shattered my faith in Bungie.Wow, it's still broken.RobisGodlyI played it a couple of hours every day last month, and no, it's not perfect, but it is good enough to be an excellent MP experience.
[QUOTE="FrozenLiquid"][QUOTE="TheGrat1"] What was wrtong with Halo 2's campaign? I ask and no one can ever give me logical reasons.TheGrat1
Call it the "X factor" or call it the extra 10% polish, but Halo 2's campaign didn't have it. Bungie didn't know what they were doing until one year out from the game's release, and it shows. Also, when you have a marketing campaign with the taglines such as "Earth Will Never Be the Same" and "Earth doesn't need a Hero. It needs a Savior", and have 85% of the campaign on another Halo, then I think people have a right to complain.
I guess its a good thing I was never sucked into the hype, then. I played the game and enjoyed the hell out of the sp. None of the things you listed made the level design any worse, the Arbiter any less of a character, or the bosses any worse. If Halo 2 did'nt have an "X factor" then Halo 3 definately did'nt have it. That game single-handedly shattered my faith in Bungie.That to me is crazy. IMO H3 >>>>>> H2. The levels in H2 feel more akin to a closed corridor shooter as opposed to the vastly more wide open levels in Halo 1, and even Halo 3. The huge areas you could drive and fly around in the 1st and 3rd all feel so closed off and narrow in H2. H2 feels like playing through a funnel. Narrative be damned, that is what ruined H2 for me. By ruined I mean makes it the worst Halo game. I still had a good time with it.
For me Assault on the Control room is the pinnacle Halo stage. There is very few levels in H2 close to that scale. H3 has levels almost as good IMO. Tsavo Highway, The Ark, and The Covenant all come to mind.
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