Now despite the 360's early lead it hasn't really sold to many more people than original Xbox owners and hasn't really taked much of a lead with the Wii catching up fast in America and already caught up in the rest of the world. The PS3 on the other hand is still lagging behind but still closing the gap, specially everywhere but America the PS3 is selling strong. Though if Sony keeps their exclusives for 2008 and the major big titles do well and wern't let downs like the so called big titles for 2007 then i reckon by 2009 the PS3 will be selling like hotcakes and taken over the 360. With things like Home coming aswel and brining achievements i think that will satisfy the people who bought a 360 for that... however obviously the fanbois will still not buy one no matter what.
The thing is most people still havn't bought a new system yet and sitting on the fence until the big games come out. What really suprises me is how everyone i know owns a Wii and says how great it is but yet they only have the one game it came with. So even though the Wii is selling like mad i really don't think the sales figures in terms of games will look anywhere near as good as what the 360 and PS3 willl have in 2008.
The problem witht he 360 is they have a great start but failed to keep it up and losing potential exclusive titles that Bioware and others could have offered, as i doubt EA will want Bioware making exclusives for the amount they paid for them. The lineup for 2008+ is looking really poor for the 360 and Microsoft really need to work on their first party more because right now Nintendo and Sony's are looking much much stronger.
By 2011 however i expect it to look like this...
1. PS3
2. Wii
3. 360
The PS3 i reckon will come on top finally again but it will be sooo much closer than last generation and this will give Nintendo and Microsoft far more power to do something next generation. Even though Sony will eventually win i think this generation has been great for Nintendo and Microsoft but so far really bad for Sony and they'll have lost alot of market share by the end.
(I don't own any console btw so don't call me fanboi)
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