At 1920x1200 which is a little higher than 1080p on Max Crysis 3 uses 2.2GB.,8.html Maybe he's using FXAA[QUOTE="tormentos"][QUOTE="iamrob7"]
Right now PC gamers are playing in 1080p and above with 60FPS. That's what I play in and no game uses anything like 8GB RAM. The most RAM heavy game I play is DayZ, the Arma 2 mod, coming in at around 2GB RAM. Most likely because it is an unoptimised mod for another game.
Crysis 3 in ultra 1080p, uses around 1.5GB RAM.
My GPU, a GTX 580 SC, has 1.5GB DDR5 RAM. More than enough to cover any game currently at 1080p. I am on the verge of getting a new GPU and even the medium spec GPU nowadays have 2-3GB DDR5 RAM. I'm looking at a GTX 680 with 4GB DDR5. Now that is a pretty decent PC, but that 4GB DDR5 will only be relevant if I have a multi monitor setup and some obscene resolution right now.
I see a lot of talk of this 8GB DDR5 RAM on the PS4, firstly the GPU and CPU are far more important features for gaming. The 8GB is really only for longetivity, it is not going to be used for years, the games coming out on the PS4 will use 1-2GB of it at most for 1080p games (which as has already been stated, will be the stndard for the PS4).
So this 8GB DDR5 RAM is actually completely irrelevant and will be for a number of years, until games start actually using all that RAM. In the meantime it will just sit there doing nothing in the console. Waiting for the day it becomes relevant. By that time the PC will be running DDR8 or DDR9, or perhaps something even beyond that whole concept.
TL;DR - In short, by the time the 8GB DDR5 becomes actually useful, the standard gaming PC will be another generation ahead in terms of technology. It will likely feature more RAM of a more advanced variety.
The PS4's GPU seems to be the equivalent of a medium range gaming PC and the CPU is an open question. I know playing Planetside 2 right now, my computer is CPU limited in terms of framerate, as opposed to GPU limited. In large battles my framerate dips to 35-40 FPS, which is borderline unacceptable for me. Now that is down to the large number of people in a battle, sometimes 500-600 people in a single area battling. I have a 3770K (4 cores) @ 4.6Ghz. Will 8 cores @ 1.6Ghz really work? I don't know.
What I'm pleased about with the new consoles is that they are very similar to PC's now, the same architecture, means that dodgy PC ports should be a thing of the past. I do however think that the latest console specs, whilst providing a big boost initially at least on the previous generation, will leave the consoles further behind the PC than this current generation ultimately. The last generation of consoles were far closer to a top end PC than this generation will be on release.
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