Looks bland as f*ck, sorry
Damn that looks pretty good. Great graphics, gritty as hell atmosphere. They even replaced those early war Thompsons from that picture in the other thread with Grease Guns which actually make more sense for an invasion of France scenario. Looks like the general campaign flow is going to be very classic Call of Duty with some on-rails sections thrown in here and there.
Only downside I can think of right now is the MG-42 sounded completely wrong and that the story is going to devolved into a cliche mess.
Only Europe. lol
This is basically a modern style CoD campaign with a WW2 skin. F*ck that
To be fair, the European scenario has been indeed the far more "popular" (if one can use that word with War) over the decades. Though I'd love to see a far more focused game on the Asian scenario.
Only Europe. lol
This is basically a modern style CoD campaign with a WW2 skin. F*ck that
To be fair, the European scenario has been indeed the far more "popular" (if one can use that word with War) over the decades. Though I'd love to see a far more focused game on the Asian scenario.
It also allows them to do a lot more motion capture and facial animations for a smaller cast of main characters rather than having to get a large cast together for multiple theaters and armies. It makes sense. It also allows for a narrative to develop more than just random scenarios scattered all over the world.
Cool trailer. I want to see what the multiplayer will be like.
I'm hoping it's a return to what they were doing in CoD 2. Very basic loadouts and a focus on competition. If it's nothing but perks, killstreaks, and other garbage it would be upsetting.
Only Europe. lol
This is basically a modern style CoD campaign with a WW2 skin. F*ck that
To be fair, the European scenario has been indeed the far more "popular" (if one can use that word with War) over the decades. Though I'd love to see a far more focused game on the Asian scenario.
It also allows them to do a lot more motion capture and facial animations for a smaller cast of main characters rather than having to get a large cast together for multiple theaters and armies. It makes sense. It also allows for a narrative to develop more than just random scenarios scattered all over the world.
You say that, but the European scenario/theater didn't exactly have a single, uniform "story" to it either. So it's not that much easier to do than a campaign focused on other parts of the globe. It's just far more familiar since it's been the main focus of our media (which makes sense since we are in the "Western" part of the world of course).
Better have limbs being blown off.
It looks generic. American we brothuz born in texas horaah nonsense. Oh no. But I'll get it because it's Call of Duty, and I would like another World War 2 shooter. I just hope it won't be just Americans though. Get us some Belgian action. Sneaking mission.
And get me to shoot Italians.
COD the way it's supposed to be. Only thing is I wish they would sell the MP separately. Charge $30 for the single player.
I'm hoping it's a return to what they were doing in CoD 2. Very basic loadouts and a focus on competition. If it's nothing but perks, killstreaks, and other garbage it would be upsetting.
You're going to be in the minority there. If it is basic like CoD 2 (or CoD MWR for that matter), people will get bored of it quickly. I would have chosen the Vietnam War myself for this game but yea.
At 1 minute 32 seconds you see gameplay. It look's nice are they using a different engine this looks like an upgrade?
It's been upgraded throughout the years.
I like how COD games look. I still think Modern Warfare 2 looks alright.
we saw zero gamepaly but ww2 is only setting that work in COD. so i might play it and would be my first COD game i played since black ops (which along with any post MW game suck). but only for SP.
MP is by far worst part of COD series.
I'm hoping it's a return to what they were doing in CoD 2. Very basic loadouts and a focus on competition. If it's nothing but perks, killstreaks, and other garbage it would be upsetting.
You're going to be in the minority there. If it is basic like CoD 2 (or CoD MWR for that matter), people will get bored of it quickly. I would have chosen the Vietnam War myself for this game but yea.
>We needs our unlocks to have fun.
No eastern front again. No a proper Soviet Union campaign. What a disappointment. Cool trailer though. Probably will get it because of the Omaha beach part, remembers me the 1st medal of honor, which is probably the best ww2 game I have ever played.
I'm interested, but gutted it looks very much 'Murica saving and winning the war on our own! Oorah!'
Looked nice though, i heard there won't be regenerating health this time which really pleased me
They got help from French resistance. The British army had Irish, Welsh, and Scottish men fighting for them. You got the Russian's pushing east. No America helped, but hollywood overblow's it.
At 1 minute 32 seconds you see gameplay. It look's nice are they using a different engine this looks like an upgrade?
It's been upgraded throughout the years.
I like how COD games look. I still think Modern Warfare 2 looks alright.
I hope the graphics reach Battlefield 1 levels of awesomeness>
That looks awesome! I love the gritty atmosphere and boots-on-the-ground action!
This is what Call of Duty is supposed to be and I'm glad to see it finally dump the overdone futuristic crap and return to it's roots! This is the first Call of Duty game that I'm excited for in many years!
Somewhat excited and intrigued, not hyped. The upcoming trailers and Beta should be telling though. I'm more hype for Battlefront 2 then this one however.
CoD WW2 Likes vs Dislikes
500k views already. 80k likes, 4k dislikes. 20 to 1 like to dislike ratio. (at the time of this post) Looks like CoD is officially back from the reception it's getting then Infinite Warfare and I gotta admit, this trailer reminds me of Saving Private Ryan. (Which is still my favorite war movie to date)
Cool trailer. I want to see what the multiplayer will be like.
I'm hoping it's a return to what they were doing in CoD 2. Very basic loadouts and a focus on competition. If it's nothing but perks, killstreaks, and other garbage it would be upsetting.
the original 2 COD are not anything special that many PC gamers claim. COD1 was as scripted as modern warfare and later games in series. it just didnot had QTE and regen health otherwise it was incredibly linear and scripted and enemy do not close the door.
many PC gamers claim COD after 2 is dumbed down when series was always dumbed down to begin with.
there were better FPS games i was playing that time but i do enjoy COD1 and 2. they were just not special.
Eh, I was always more into Medal of Honor than Call of Duty, when it came to WWII shooters.
This looks OK, nothing exceptional, and certainly not the same reaction I had to seeing Battlefield 1 for the first time. It might be something I pick up if I'm bored and I can cut down a bit of my backlog, but it's far from a day one buy.
Animations look great probably a cutscene?
The opening of the trailer specifically states it's all in-engine.
Unfortantly they will forget about the whole "game" thing, where is might as well be a cut-scene.
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