[QUOTE="edidili"]No a 2005 PC doesn't play modern PC games but then again it's a 7 freaking years old piece of hardware. Only because consoles are stuck in the past doesn't mean PC should too. PC doesn't have to play by the same rules, it does cheat :P In the end a PC is costly but that's because it's a freaking computer. It does gaming and much more and a bit more after that.loosingENDS
Indeed, PCs are usless after a few years and must move forward indeed
Xbox 360 on the other hand runs Withcer 2 fine, so i would not call that "stuck in the past" either
U are so full of Troll Fail and you always respond to easy targets and ignore the legit counters to your pathetically weak counter-posts. Witcher 2 on the 360 is nowhere NEAR the experience of the PC version with DX11 truly running at 1900by1080 AND above. Yes, your basic and overused point is correct; a closed end console is a good system for the duration of it's existence IF you are not into having bleeding edge gaming experiences. That is a fact and not opinion. Consoles are never pushing the bleeding edge of gaming from a technical perspective when compared to PC's given a generation of technology advances.
API changes and numerous other factors like OS advancements make older PC hardware outdate; even if they are more powerful than consoles. However your pricing is just ignorant and flame bait when you say "SLI is 1200 dollars" and a "500 dollar CPU" "2k minimum for a gaming PC I don't need one but can check a website." Again, low IQ FTL. Games at REAL HD (720p isn't even HD by todays standards) will bottleneck GPU's so a $200 i7 is just fine for gaming. Two 560 Nvidia cards can eat anything thrown at it and they are not 1200 dollars. Things like a great Case, PSU, fans, etc can carry over a few generations; even MOBOs can. So you really only upgrade a CPU/GPU/RAM every once in awhile. XBL is 350 dollars for 7 years, that is a GPU upgrade right there alone.
PC gaming CAN be cheaper than console gaming but I don't even want to get into that because I personally pay MORE for PC gaming than console gaming and that is with STEAM game deals etc because I CHOOSE to stay on the bleeding edge. It's worth it to play the best games like Skyrim, Witcher2, Crysis/Crysis2/BF3 "The way they are meant to be played." Most people that play both versions and had a choice to choose the best platform WILL choose PCs IF money is not an issue. But being that you make it perfectly clear that you are LoosingENDS in life, it doesn't surprise me that you have to settle for a console ONLY experience. Nothing wrong with that, but constantly failing in your responses and trying to VALIDATE why a console only gimped version playing experience is BEST...is WRONG. U so MAD bro. Honestlly, the Jelly inside your belly is sad that I FeelsBadMan. I hope you get your Ends together one day Bro. Biggest fail ever.
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