I don't get it :?
Hermits said every year is the year of PC
but when you look at it, it just impossible...
First of all
in 2006 the GOTY is Gears of War but at that time it haven't released on PC
in 2007 SMG is GOTY and its unplayable on PC
in 2008 MGS 4 is GOTY and again ts unplayable on PC, GTA IV score 10 on PS3 and 360 but only 9.0 on PC
in 2009 Demons Soul is GOTY and again its unplayable on PC, on this year PC only had 1 AAAE while PS3 had 4 AAAE
in 2010 Red Dead Redemption is GOTY and it unplayable on PC again, you got Starcraft 2 but you didn't get RDR and SMG 2
in 2011..... So far PC only had 1 AAAE tie with PS3, PSP, and NDS but lose with PS3 in terms of AAE, and with so many exclusive games on PS3 I dont think PC will defeat PS3
So, how can hermits say "every year is teh year of PC":??
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