Based off of in game mechanics Ryu Hyabusa would slaughter any action game character w/out question. Its not even close to a competition. The regular enemies in NG>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Dante and Kratos. They are both just to slow in general and get caught up in recovery animations. You could put Ryu against a room full of Dante and Kratos enemies and they would get destroyed in a gameplay situation.
In game Dante and Kratos simply beat up on static punching bags with big life bars. Typically you have a few lifeless dummies standing around while one of them slowly attacks. In NG, Ryus weakest enemies are a threat. They move quick, (much faster than Dante and Kratos), they always go for the opening if possible and they all attack at once. I dont even know if it would be possible to get past the first level in NG using Dante, or Kratos.
In terms of story or cutscenes you can never really have a character battle victor. Sure Ryu has defeated Demons, Gods and an entire civilization, but you can always find a counter argument.
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