I said they're innovative, they're unfortuntelly too small for being saviour. But besides that, let's get back to your question.. Din's Curse is about protecting towns. Each town is placed next to a large dungeon. Ar first you just take side quests and kill monsters, but then it turns out a lot more dynamic. It quickly becomes based on reputation. You gain it by completing quests, you loose it by failing them (yep, but can fail them) or by letting the towns people die. That last thing can happen becase from time you get a warning that soon the town will be attacked and needs your protection, if you're deep into dungeon before you go back people will die, so it becomes a sort of balancing game.
The cool stuff is how dynamic it is. The whole game can be described as "Diablo with dunngeons that fight back". The bad guys actions aren't limited to invasion, they also lay curses which give debuffs until you take the quest to remove it, produce machines to make dungeons harder, block the gates, fight amongst themselvesq. What's more the good NPCs are also dynamic, they go and try to complete the quests by themselve, turn on each othe or can betray the town in any number of ways.
Depths of Peril was also innovative as hell, as it was based on the concepts of few guilds competing with eachother and you only took control over one, which created a sort of coctail of Diablo and strategy.
Soldak is honestly terribly underaprecieated. Hopefully this will change soon, as their next game is space opera RPG where you control a mercerrnary ship full of dynamic crew and you go around exploiting local conflicts for cash and glory.
I agree with what you say. But unfortunately, I doubt Soldak will ever get the recognition they deserve. It is pretty sad when you think of it. I wanted to make a thread announcing Drox Operative, but then I realized hardly anyone would care. :(
Might still make a thread for it when it is near release. It might be my first Hype Thread.
Edit: To be honest, I would be more interested in Depths of Peril 2 than Diablo 3. Although Diablo 3 looks awesome as well.
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