I'm really a pc gamer at heart and feel like it has no equal if i were being totally honest. The thing is I need to dial back on my game time due to family, job and other responsibilities and I don't want to deal with upgrades, drivers and all the other things that come with PC gaming. At some point in my future I'm sure I'll build another PC but for now I need gaming "light" and not gaming "heavy". That's not a shot at consoles but I'm just saying that I don't have the time I used to so I'm at a point where I think consoles fit best.
I have paid no attention to this generation of consoles because I have had no reason to. So I don't know anything other than the Xbox One getting some bad press about running at a lower res than the PS4.
So...I like action, RPGs and FPS. What's the near future look like as far as exclusives and what console looks like it's going to be getting the most support? Stuff like that....
Thanks for any info.
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