[QUOTE="rhaigun"][QUOTE="yoshi_64"][QUOTE="rhaigun"][QUOTE="yoshi_64"] [QUOTE="rhaigun"]And...I care why? The fact is, SSB is fun for a few weeks and then it just gets old. I even got suckered into buying Small Arms on 360 thinking it would be SSB but better. Because it has guns. Nope. The gameplay is just as simplistic and repetitive.yoshi_64
You're own perception. However the claim that there's a lack of depth, or that the game can be repetitive is baffling. :| There's a plethora of modes, options, and fighters in SSBM, making hardly anything but repetitive. The gameplay cannot be mimiced in a bite size piece. Part of the flair to SSB games is the well established cast of characters and seeing those characters duke it out. Ok. There's no storyline to speak of. Most of the fighters moves are pulled off by doing the same button presses or analog movements. The levels look different, but are usually structured in the same round-about way. Half of the characters are uninspiring (most of the general public has no idea who they are). Its just not that great. What you described was Small Arms in a handbasket. But I know you're trying to pass that off as SSB. So I'll try to get that point and say this.1. Who needs a story to fight? Fighting games were not made for well made storylines, just some "incentive" to fight, but frankly it doesn't matter.
2. The level desigs are very diverse in SSB games, I have nothing to say except levels are varied by terrain, hazards, fixation (moving levels or steady levels) and so on.
3. I have nothing to say about the characters, anyone who doesn't know Mario, Pikachu, Link, Bowser, Peach, etc, etc would be someone who's never heard of Nintendo or games in their life. Only minor new characters like Marth or Roy would be shockers, because they've never been in games over seas.
4. Perception
What's with the holier-than-thou attitude? I've played SSB, and think it sucks. Where do you get off assuming I haven't? Because you worship it and I don't? The only guys in this thread defending this game are Yoshi and Gannon. Gee, I wonder where their alligience lies? Holier than thou? :| What do you mean? I really don't understand, but if you're percieving my tone another way, than I'm sorry you feel so insecure or something. As for "allegiance" issues, what does that have to do with anything? "I know that I sound opinionated, maybe biased or quite poss'ly jaded" but I am not saying you can't have your own opinion either. I'm just stating mine, you state yours, voila!
No, not insecure. Your statement about me trying to pass off Small Arms as SSB was condecending. Making an assumption that I haven't really played it because I don't like it and you do. God forbid someone not liking SSB!
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