Can you make an argument that the Xbox 360 is the best console considering the following points:
1. Possible 33% failure rate
2. The only console that makes you pay for online play
3. Short life cycle (opinion)
4. Disc space issues (PGR4, Blue Dragon, Eternal Sonata, UT3)
5. Not a lot of great exclusive titles in 08
6. Rumors of Bungie leaving
7. Disc Scratching issues
8. Worst design (opinion)
knowing this, can you still argue against all of the competition?
It doesn't really need to be defended. I'll play along for the fun of it.
1) This has never been proven.
2) The online service is superior to other consoles, so the fee is justifiable. This is what the XBox Live fee is used for --->
3) Yeah.. that's just your opinion. The XBox 360 could last for 7-8yrs. No one knows.
4) I have no problems with multiple disc games. There were several of these on the PS1 & PS2 and it didn't bother me. I think PGR4 and UT3 will be on 1 disc.
5) There are some nice exclusives for 2008. Fable 2, Banjo 3, Too Human, Lost Odyssey, Infinite Undiscovery, Splinter Cell: Conviction, Bully: Scholership Edition, Culdcept Saga, Dead Space, Halo Wars, Possession, Shadowclan and lots of other unannounced titles. The real difference is the XBox 360 is getting a lot of NEW IP Exclusives while the PS3 is getting mostly Exclusive Sequels (FF, R&C, GT, HSG5, KZ, MSG, etc..). I'm sure M$ will have more exclusive sequels announce as well. There will definitely be another Lost Planet, Dead Rising, Condemned, Forza, Gears of War and many other within the next 2 yrs.
6) The rumor is that Bungie is buying their name back using shares of stock. They aren't leaving because they areowned by M$.
7) None of my discs have ever been scratched and I've been using my system since launch. If gamers just played their XBox 360 horizontally, they would never see any scratched discs.Moving the 360 while a disc is playing is a "no, no!":lol:
8) The Virtual Boy was the worse design if you ask me. The Atari Jaguar was a close 2nd. The Xbox 360's innards weren't designed perfectly, but it's getting fixed and that's all the matters at this point.
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