fighters, rpgs, racing games, puzzle games, platformers...all genres?
Face it most of the types of gameplay elements these games used are set in stone and often reused and rehashed, often times the stories are exactly the same way.
There hasn't been a legitimate upgrade or new type of gameplay in a long long time inside the main genres of rpg, racing, fps, fighters, puzzle games, platformers.
They all use the same basic elements, the same extended elements, and often the same story concepts when they have story.
platformers/puzzles - and yet it moves. moving the entire map in whichever direction you choose in order to overcome the obstacles, but at the same time, creating new obstacles/pitfalls etc.
rpg - in demon's souls you can literally take over the boss and fight other players online 1v1, 1v2, 1v3, or so on. trying to think hard but I can't really recall a game where you play as a legitimate boss in the game (to be exact the 3th dungeon 3rd boss - old monk). there's other games with PvP, but I'm not sure if there's one where you actually play as the boss integrated into the other player's game.
don't really play fighters or racing games so can't really comment on that.
and with the TC, I agree but to some extent every game copies another. It's just way more obvious in the FPS genre. The controls can't be as complex as PC fpses, and only very few control schemes work on a controller. I'd imagine it'd be pretty hard to come up with some new ideas in the genre, but tbh, I was never really a huge fan of console FPSes. They feel pretty watered down in comparison to PC FPSes imo.
but it makes it seem like most genres are going nowhere if you discount the games that are doing anything different.
Yah, it seems in this thread the only games people can think of when it comes to FPS games is Halo, whatever EA puts out, or Halo.
There's been plenty of FPS games such as Crysis, or STALKER, or Red Orchestra that don't play like those games, but I'm willing to bet a very dominant majority of this forum has never played them.
seeing as you must have experience with those games, you should enlighten us on what new features they bring to the genre. maybe shed some light on the system wars forum here.
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