g0ddyX has it nailed, exactly how I feel
[QUOTE="gaming25"] I might not have played the SMG games yet, but from what I have seen, the platforming is the most skilled and thoughtout possibly in platforming history.Renegade_Fury
Like I said, to each their own. I gamed with Mario on the original NES. Then the graphics and characters were expanded with the SNES, okay now Mario has all these friends . Then the 64 and Mario 64, now exploration in 3d.
Now I'm an adult and childhood games like Mario are cute for people's kids. I figure they haven't had 15 years of Mario since childhood and this is probably their first Mario experience, okay fine. But seeing adults rave about Mario, now on spheres, is just shocking.
To me, it's one of those things along with American Idol that I just can't explain. If I'm still shooting it out with Nathan Drake and Sully in 20 years, please shoot me.
Wait what? American Idol and Mario? Is this some sort of attack on popular things, because a correlation between those two is far beyond me otherwise. :? :lol:
Being an adult makes no difference. I'm 24 and I'm still playing Sonic and Mario. Granted one fell off the face of the earth, while one continued to be successful, but still, in no way have these games not changed. Even from last gen to now, you can't say playing Sonic Adventure is the same as Colors, or that Sunshine is the same as Galaxy 2. The gameplay is totally different; it's not some shallow cosmetic alteration. If the games are fun, why does it make a difference if the franchise is old?
This is key to me. You're still playing Sonic despite the fact that the series has essentially died from a creative standpoint. I played Sonic on Genesis and it's one of my favorite games of all time. But again, this is pain tolerance difference between us, I guess.
I can definitely see how you can still play Mario if you can stomach any Sonic in the last 10 years.
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